Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy Holidays

I probably won't be posting for a week or so. That is, unless I get into a hysterical typing mood. I hope I've somehow positively impacted your life in 2007. That maybe I've helped you look at many topics differently or that I've imparted something unique. I appreciate you reading my rants. I do love to write but 2008 might not be as prolific as 2007. We shall see. If anything on here is of any value, I'd ask you to share my blog with your friends or associates.

Hopefully, we'll all have a few weeks to recharge our batteries, spend some quality time with people important to us and maybe even spread a little holiday cheer. And, please don't forget those who are less fortunate.

Finally, a short video message from Santa himself.

posted by TimingLogic at 10:55 PM