Is The Planet Feinting Us On Global Warming?
Here's the "G"-rated one minute closing to George Carlin's stand up act on saving the planet. The whole act is really quite hilarious but it's also not "G"-rated so as not to offend anyone, you have to view it on Youtube.
I have a friend who works for a very large scientific research institution and every time global warming comes up, he bellows in disbelief. I also hear a similar roar when it comes to the concept of peak oil. He has actually shown me some substantial research that points to the possibility the world may never run out of carbon-based fuels. Not conclusive but interesting research now that every self-appointed expert is telling us high oil prices are pointing to peak oil. To go off topic a second, it's interesting to note Michael Economides, a professor at the University of Houston and frequently quoted expert on energy, has said Saudi Arabia could increase production by fifty percent if they needed to. Not overnight but with access to western oil technology and major investments over a period of years. I've never believed peak oil and am more confident than ever high energy prices are significantly affected by Wall Street traders.
Anyhow, back to global warming. So, my skeptical friend sent me this link a few days ago. It seems there is evidence from some leading climatologists that the melting of the global ice caps could lead to another ice age. So, does this mean An Inconvenient Truth is an inconvenient mistruth? Might Al Gore have to give back his Nobel Prize? Or is the new question if humanity is going to cause a new ice age?
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