Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Insert Foot In Mouth

I just couldn't let this pass. Here's a bit of humor to break the mood. Carly Fiorina has somehow weaseled herself into a political role after a very unsuccessfully stint as CEO of Hewlett Packard. What else do you do when you've got a few hundred million dollars and no job prospects? I suspect she's a short timer in this role as well. She was unsuccessful at HP because, as we say in Texas, she had "big hat, no cattle.". But, when she left, she took well over one hundred million dollars of shareholder money with her.

Not only does Fiorina make it clear none of our Presidential candidates could run a company but it is quite obvious she couldn't either. And, it appears neither could the CEOs of AIG, Lehman, Citigroup, National City, Wachovia, GM, Delphi, Bear Stearns and hundreds of other companies flailing due to CEO incompetence. Or maybe the thousands that have hit the bankruptcy skid over the last century. Seemingly, it also appears her skills as a politician aren't any better than her skills as CEO. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the goal is to assist those you represent in politics.

posted by TimingLogic at 12:36 AM