Monday, September 29, 2008

The Voted On Bailout Plan Was A Complete Scheme

I wrote earlier in the day in my Godzilla post that it looked like the verbage of this plan had watered down from what had been presented to the American people. Now, my bailiwick is not breaking down legislation but from what I saw of the changed framework on television this evening, the actual plan the House voted on had little in common with what Congress told the American people was originally in the plan. This plan reeked of rot. In many ways the voted on plan was even more representative of cronyism and terrible oversight than Paulson's original plan. Seemingly a bait and switch surely impacted by Wall Street lobbyists. The failure of this bill was a victory for Americans.

This process needs to start over and be exposed to greater rigor, more light and more accountability to the sovereign. Back to contacting Congressional leadership for me.
posted by TimingLogic at 8:19 PM