Sunday, January 11, 2009

Would You Like To Buy An Oil Fiefdom On The Cheap?

As sycophantic CNBC journalists with no seeming sense of investigative journalistic compass or critical thinking skills were bowing to the brilliance of Dubai bureaucrats, we were talking about the coming depression in Dubai and the imminent implosion of the oil bubble. Now, we see Dubai bonds are pricing in a depression. It seems curious to many as to why. Might it actually be for obvious reasons? Many are telling us this is a great time to buy including an analyst quoted in this article. I wonder how the finance industry would change if any analyst or company recommending a certain investment had to invest their life's savings in what they were scamming? I'm sorry. I mean selling. It's really quite easy to be an idiot when dealing with other people's money.

Bahrain has joined Dubai, Russia and Kuwait on the precipice with a recent downgrade by Moody's. Soon other oil producing fiefdoms will follow.

I know where you can get your own island or skyscraper on the cheap. Going once, going twice................
posted by TimingLogic at 7:07 AM