Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is Treasury Paving The Way For Nationalization?

It's really amazing to me to see people cringe at the thought of nationalization for large banks. That it's somehow un-American. I guess no one has read the Constitution or remembers how banking existed in the United States through out history. Printing money is a commodity. Distributing it is a commodity. This has nothing to do with capitalism or democracy.

Banking exists as a method to support private production in the economy and a safe haven for savings. We have said this quite a few times but one more for emphasis - all of this other scheming and scamming that goes on in our mega banks adds zero value to economic production or wealth creation. Instead they are schemes of wealth transfer from society. There is no wealth creation in these schemes. It is a mathematical fact. And, isn't life a bitch that those who have stolen from society now want us all to scoff at assisting many who have been destroyed by these schemes. It's Socialism!

I don't think the average citizen should have to bail out anyone so I have a better idea. A tax levied on those who have benefited from this scheming. Not an income tax. An asset tax for the betterment of society. Put the money into an investment pool that is available to every citizen for training, education and for entrepreneurs willing to rebuild our production system. Democratization of capital instead of these schemes supported by crony-crooked capitalists such as hedge funds being able to buy distressed assets on the cheap with American citizens insuring them. In other words, carrying the burden on our backs for the same crooked scheming that created this mess.
posted by TimingLogic at 5:13 PM