Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Public Television's Look Inside The NSA

This really isn't relevant to anything other than possible public interest in what our government is doing from time to time. Public television is running a show on February 3rd about the very secretive NSA's possible knowledge of terrorist activities in the U.S. before 9/11.

Unusual side note. After the psychological tests (Even though I am crazy I was able to hoodwink the NSA.), some lie detector shenanigans and a security check thorough enough to qualify the NSA to bear my children, the NSA offered me a research position in their semiconductor design unit. (I'm joking about the psychological tests. Maybe.) That was many years ago. I've heard vague rumors through work of some NSA projects post 9/11. Interestingly, I heard them within months of 9/11 due to emergency orders for ginormous amounts of computing power. The general rumor is what has been reported over the last few years. ie, The NSA has enough computing horsepower focused on listening to the world to melt the power grid. Actually, I suspect they have their own power source. Obviously none of this is a secret to anyone. The breadth of NSA's abilities would likely boggle the mind. That is both comforting and frightening. In a world of regular disorder such an ability is unfortunately necessary and under appreciated. That is, as long as it is not turned against the people of the United States. In other words, the potential for abuse of liberties without transparency is very disconcerting.

posted by TimingLogic at 8:01 AM