Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Grim Reaper Is Knocking On China's Door

Link here.

The people, mostly bloggers, talking down the dollar comparative to the yuan, ruble, real, etc. are going to be eating one big turd sandwich when the world reveals itself. It is absolutely hilarious to hear the communist cretins in Shanghai lecture the U.S. on sound fiscal or monetary policy. It's even more hilarious to hear people in the U.S. side with the Maoists. China is and has been printing money at a rate never before seen in the United States. Ever. And has been doing so for a decade. Now we have a few people finally noticing that loan growth in the last six months is a problem? Are you kidding me? The last six months are just the frosting on the cake. By the time this crisis passes we will all look back on any discussions of using toilet paper dipped in the Communist Manifesto, better known as the yuan, as laughable.

I think it's ironic that many on Wall Street are now starting to express concern about China. How does this help anyone? Wall Street pumped the China story like there was no tomorrow. Now that Chinese investments have collapsed, some on Wall Street are waking up. Huh? Sorry all of those investments we pumped over and over and over are now worth 20% of what they were when you bought them. Shit happens. Oh, by the way, these investments aren't coming back in your life time either.

The investing community needs actionable intelligence not after the fact remarks about the obvious. Wall Street is the Soviet Union of our economy. It's not a wonder they love the communists in Russia and China. Let's see. Wall Street has monopoly access to capital, they don't have to compete in the real world, they have tremendous conflicts of interest, there is unbelievable corruption, they don't have to follow any rules of transparency and they come out of business and economics programs teaching voodoo. Joseph Stalin would be proud.
posted by TimingLogic at 7:21 PM