Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Housewives And Pig Farmers In China Hoard Copper

Link courtesy of a reader. How hilarious is this? There is much irony in the fact that we have always held the two biggest bubbles on earth are Wall Street and China and their behavior seems to be correlated. In other words, Harvard MBAs on Wall Street are engaged in the same activity as pig farmers in China. We also saw commodities hoarding in London and New York by similarly idiotic hedge funds and banksters. That was a nice game of manipulation until it imploded.

By the time this crisis is over, I'd guess those pigs will be worth more than that piece of paper from Harvard. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see many of those Harvard MBAs have a future lifestyle similar to pig farmers. Or pigs.
posted by TimingLogic at 11:23 AM