Friday, September 25, 2009

The Bailout Barons Are America's New Robber Barons

We have written of this dynamic numerous times over the years and Sarah Anderson at the Institute for Policy Studies has released a report highlighting the executive excess of the Bailout Barons aka banksters. The crooks who stole our money and kept the compensation received for doing so with numerous perditious schemes.

This link is an executive overview and the entire report can be found at the link on the upper right side of the page titled "Download Executive Excess 2009". I would encourage you to peruse the report. It highlights many of the dynamics we have discussed including CEO pay comparative to average salaries along with some new statistics.

We'll bring down this beast eventually. The American people have a bazooka aimed at the target. The elitist party with other people's money is ending. Free markets determine executive compensation? Baaahaaaa. Clubby compensation committees negotiating schemes outside of the view of transparency fraudulently heist shareholder equity while millions of Americans live on shit sandwiches because they are told that is the way of the free market.
posted by TimingLogic at 12:37 PM