Monday, September 14, 2009

Ramblings And Rantings On The Rising Trade Tensions Reported Over The Last Few Days

We have been highlighting the rising trade tensions on here since this crisis started. This is nothing new to us. We first said the world was entering a period of rising nationalism four years ago when there was absolutely no one talking about this dynamic. This position would have gotten me laughed out of any serious conversation by any leading economist in the world.

I like to get a sense of sentiment by turning on tout TV and this morning they are babbling about a trade war with China. You have got to be kidding. We have been in a trade war for forty years. This isn't a trade war. It's rising nationalism as an outcome of a beggar thy neighbor economic philosophy. A philosophy which dominates economic lunacy around the globe. Now we'll get to listen to the pinheaded experts remind us how tariffs caused the Great Depression. The same pinheaded experts who didn't see this crisis coming. This is one of the most partisan lies ever to be perpetrated on modern society. One perpetuated by self-serving doofuses. Tariffs had a statistically insignificant impact on the Great Depression. In fact, the U.S. economy had been a tariff-driven economy since its inception up through the Great Depression. But most "experts" today know little of what they talk about so they believe prior generations were equally as stupid as they are. More proof that it's quite easy to go throughout an entire day and not hear an ounce of truth or knowledge in this batty world. Especially not from the media or supposed experts. This all just makes me really pissy on a Monday morning. Haha.

I'm not going to get into it today but this topic ties directly into the idiocy perpetuated by the banksters and their stooges - economists. (You must read the article at this link to get an appreciation for my use of the word stooge.) Definition - Stooge => One who allows oneself to be used by another for profit or advantage.

There is so much marginal to useless economic theory that it's truly hard to believe we have intelligent people embracing this baloney. This talk of trade wars is a prime example. It's really brainwashing on some level which is why I used the Einstein remark about education a few posts ago. This is a major problem with education when it comes to learning beyond basic facts of the three R's - Reading, Riting and Rithmatic. On some insanely twisted level, the United State's abysmal educational system reinforces society's creativity and lays seeds for economic vibrancy and new ideas. In other words, as a society we are so bad at teaching faulty thinking or dubious information that it has some effect of leaving a vacuum that would otherwise be filled with .... faulty thinking or dubious information. That vacuum can be filled with creative and unique perspectives on life, art, literature, science or other outlets for the human mind. A major reason why we have accurately called more global outcomes to this crisis than any economist in America today. In other words, it is a benefit that I wasn't taught the batty theories and ideology in the Harvard economics curriculum. It's also no coincidence that most Nobel Prize winning scientists were American-born and American-educated contrary to the gibberish perpetuated by elitists that Americans are generally idiots who need to be pulled around by their nose. Maybe more on this sidebar rant in an equally twisted post at some point. One that would send some in the educational community off of a cliff. Yet some would clearly understand what I am talking about. Note: I surely don't condone our educational system's abysmal state. But I'm not sure more preaching and indoctrination as is prescribed educational ideology today is the best method of inspiring the creative energies and development of our youth. Back to the topic at hand.

It seems Austrians are in vogue today because they were smart enough to figure out the exponential growth of debt is unsustainable. That's about all they have figured out. Of course, were I to ask anyone in antiquity to explain this same dynamic as it pertains to debt, they would have responded with a much more philosophically accurate answer than the Austrian perspective. In other words, rational perspectives on debt were far from original thought to Austrian economics. They were known for thousands of years in very great detail including policies to keep these crises from happening and solutions on how to deal with them. The reality is most Austrian economics as interpreted by modern day economists is equally as senseless as the Keynesianism they rebuff. We'll tear down most of these walls using our voluminous posts from the last four years before this crisis is over.

Instead, I have a new economic theory. It's called the Big Bang theory. I believe the Big Bang theory in physics a whole lot less than I believe in my Big Bang theory of economics. The Big Bang theory in economics goes something like this - We are closing in on one hell of a big bang that is going to heard in every country on earth. And we get the pleasure of living through it courtesy of the monkeys who have been running the zoo for the last few decades.

Trade war? How the hell can you have a trade war when trade has collapsed? The trade war was what we were witnessing over the last forty years. Globalization is dead.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:27 AM