Monday, January 11, 2010

Two Of Wall Street's Finest Remark On The Coming Congressional Inquiry Into Wall Street

Baaahaaaa! Monday's are always good for a joke. A Wall Street boob buying $40,000 porta-potties for his office while heading one of the biggest corporate financial disasters in American history and a Wall Street lawyer not to be confused with the anti-Christ. Just a little Monday humor. I know both of these men are fine upstanding pillars of American ideals.

This investigative commission by the Congress will likely be a boondoggle. Mostly because we need an independent investigative commission which will also follow the Wall street money machine to Congress and Washington. We effectively have the fox leading the investigation into who ate the chickens. A most hilarious and pathetic reality.

We need an investigative commission which reports to no one. One which has no conflicts of interest. One with a search for truth and not a witch hunt. One which will report its findings directly to the American people. Not one tied to the fraudulent circus in Washington.

posted by TimingLogic at 1:29 PM