Monday, February 22, 2010

A Lesson In Tyranny - Anthem Wants To Raise Health Insurance Premiums By Up To 39%

On a day our big business President is going to unveil his new big business health care plan for the tenth time, let's look at one effect of our government not enforcing the rule of law. (Remember, on this blog we are not pro business as the President said he was some weeks ago in defending his support for JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs bonuses. The Republican party is also clearly a big business party. The modern-day Republican party wouldn't even be recognized by Abraham Lincoln, pragmatically the founder of the party. Our society is crumbling because money-grubbing politicians are pro business. They need to be pro markets. But being pro market doesn't allow politicians to raise billions of dollars from business lobbyists. Pro business and pro markets aren't remotely the same thing. They have absolutely nothing in common. The former is incredibly destructive as brain dead politicians have so well proven over the years by the support of pro business policies.)

39% rate increases driven by rising health care costs? Hmmm.
Monopolies are destroying our country in substantially more ways than are being discussed. And that includes the same issue of Constitutional State's Rights that have been unconstitutionally trampled on by Washington politicians in their search for monopoly power at the expense of States. There is a simple answer. That would be enforce the rule of law across a wide spectrum of issues. You remember that wildly radical concept? I thought we were a nation of laws.

It's no irony that the Department of Homeland Security issued a release some time ago labeling those who view State's Rights constructively as potential terrorists. I guess there are quite a few constitutionalists, constitutional attorneys and constitutional scholars who are hiding as terrorists. Then there were those terrorists from years ago who fought for State's Rights in our rule of law. You know, like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Legitimate authority (a self-governed society) embraces peaceful dissent.

Without a nation of laws what separates us from the whim of tyrants? Companies are basically operating in a lawless society with the dismantling of regulation in nearly every industry. Free marketers love this one. Let the market decide. A position embraced by mathematically-challeged ideologues who don't understand basic concepts of gaming or market theory. Break Anthem of California into four or five smaller companies or whatever an analysis would allow. It's that simple. And do it NOW! Enough dithering by a leaderless White House and Congress.

There are so many simple solutions to this health care issue. The only thing stopping those solutions are tyrants. Anthem is a tyrant. Not because Anthem is bad. We cannot assign human traits to companies. Companies provide us with jobs, invention and more when they are managed for the betterment of society. They don't act for the betterment of society when they are given personhood rights by a fraudulent Supreme Court decision. Or when they are allowed to run roughshod over the people of this country. The sovereign. Companies simply do what they are allowed to due. Being pro business instead of pro markets has allowed them to do pretty much whatever they wish. Anthem is a tyrant because our federal government has allowed them to become one by choosing not to enforce the rule of law. Why have they allowed Anthem to become a tyrant? It's simple. It serves the whim of politicians seeking personal favor and legal bribery aka lobbying.

Our society and economy is crumbling because we are no longer a nation of laws but of tyranny in its place. The whims of man. Goldman Sachs gets bailed out and pays record bonuses on the backs of workers living in squalor because we are no longer a nation of laws. But a nation of the whims of man, better known as tyranny. That is why the people of this country believe Washington politicians have no legitimacy in their consent to rule. This crisis has nothing to do with China or debt or any of the other hogwash.

I still plan to put up my perspective on a unique health care solution. It'll get up before that debate ends. I have plenty of time.
posted by TimingLogic at 11:23 AM