Monday, March 22, 2010

The Ultimate Expression Of Corporatism Or Fascism - The Orwellian State Becomes The Enforcement Agency For A Private Corporate Tax On Every American

"Others--as most legislators, politicians, lawyers, ministers, and office-holders--serve the state chiefly with their heads; and, as they rarely make any moral distinctions, they are as likely to serve the devil, without intending it, as God. A very few--as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men--serve the state with their consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it." - Henry David Thoreau

As Thoreau told us, unless one is an ideologue, this health insurance bill most surely qualifies as the tyranny of good intentions which have been negatively influenced by billions of dollars of legalized bribery of our public officials by corporations. The tyranny of good intentions by people who serve the state with their head rather than their conscience. Of those who seek personal gain or towing the political party line over moral clarity.

Sure there are some humanitarian aspects to this bill. Insurance companies cannot drop people from their policies which truly results in legalized murder in many cases and insurance companies cannot deny coverage which is also a morally-challenged position which often leads to death. These issues of morality should have been addressed by our government ages ago. A 2700 page bill was not required to fix these morally-bankrupt loopholes or to fix health insurance. (This is exclusively a health insurance bill. Our health care system is still not fixed.)

I am highly confident this bill will never stand in its current form by the 2014 implementation date. It will either be repealed or it will be amended substantially. I don't believe the vast majority of Americans, regardless of political beliefs, are going to appreciate a government mandate to buy private for-profit health insurance. It also does nothing to resolve the issue that tens of millions of Americans cannot afford health care insurance for the next four years. Then there are countless millions more who have health insurance in name only. In other words catastrophic policies which only provide coverage for near death experiences. I personally believe these are some of the greatest moral epidemics we face as a nation today.

Now I am not familiar with national health care in every country but I am aware of many. Is there any plan in the democratic world which requires people to line the pockets of for-profit health insurance corporations with a mandate by their government? I think not. Only in corporatist America do the corporations dominate our politics, economy and restrict our civil liberties so much that we are mandated to line the pockets of for-profit private health insurance corporations.

In closing, now is a good time to look back at our post of a year ago comparing President Obama to President Hoover. Remember, it was President Hoover who started the New Deal just as President Obama has. (Most Republican ideologues inaccurately assign the New Deal exclusively to Roosevelt. Most Democratic ideologues inaccurately applying a counter constructive argument assign the New Deal to Roosevelt as well.) Many of the aspects of the New Deal were meant to restore dignity to Americans who were similarly living under the yoke of corporatism post 1929 so they may have been noble in their pursuit but that's not the point. The point is politicians don't understand economics, cannot dictate economic mandates without unintended consequences and finally, history is clearly repeating itself. That is, a massive bear market rally also happened under Hoover. A large number of heretofore bears were also convinced the stock market bottom was in just as is the case today. And President Obama is following in the footsteps of Hoover with his new New Deal. A new New Deal shown with President Obama on the cover of Time magazine - often the kiss of doom. All of these dynamics happened before the Great Depression truly hit with full force. The environment was eerily similar to what we see today. In the end, these dynamics and many more contributed to the Great Depression. All will likely end today in disaster again today because our government will not address the real problems facing our economy or the problems which caused this crisis.

Not only can American avoid a protracted downturn, but it can thrive with the right policies. But ironically politicians won't address the real issues for the same reason they passed a corporatist health insurance mandate. That is, because just as was the case in 1930 our government is bought and paid for by special interests who seek to stop true transformation and reform from happening. So instead the American people get more tyranny shoved down our throat by politicians who understand nothing about economics, complex systems, unintended consequences of mandates and seemingly even less about democracy.

Remember, as we have stated literally dozens of times, there is no economic recovery without a new economic model. The way our economy is structured today, this health insurance mandate will contribute negatively to its demise. You must understand that insurance as an industry is nothing more than a tax on society. And in the early stages of a new depression, the federal government just jammed through a massive mandatory tax increase. Just as Hoover did before the Great Depression. Now I'm not opposed to higher taxes for universal access to affordable health care but this isn't it. And not when the economy is structurally broken. And I'm not opposed to taxing the uber rich who have achieved much of their wealth via fraud and transfer of wealth from the middle class or poor who were unable to defend themselves against a fraudulent corporatist political agenda. But these points are irrelevant. What we see is the tyranny of good intentions tainted by a corporatist political agenda. The same corporatist political agenda which has amounted to the massive wealth transfer over the last twenty years. The same corporatist agenda which has caused our collapse. There is no reason to believe this too will not fail just as have the other schemes. The best solution for health care reform is a new economic model.

For the ideologues on both sides of this debate, enjoy your moment of glory for it will more than likely not last. For the opponents to health care reform, the equally corporatist Republican party, you too should enjoy your moment of glory for it will not last. Being obstructionist for no benefit to society will not serve you well either. Talk is cheap. But what did you do while holding the Congress or the Presidency for the last thirty years other than contribute to the demise of our liberties, the deregulation of corporatism, the demise of our health care system and the ultimate trashing of our economy?

The world is unfolding exactly as we expect it to.
posted by TimingLogic at 12:01 PM