Thursday, April 29, 2010

China, The Land Of No Rule Of Law, Tries To Extort Intellectual Property From Western Firms Seeking To Bid On Government Contracts

The Chinese communists have never had any regard for intellectual property rights or for that matter international law, being the major source for anything and everything counterfeit. This dynamic is perpetuated by a systemic culture of criminal fraud within the highest levels of the state. And now we have this. Simply amazing. We can thank Bill Clinton, possibly our worst President, and an equally terrible Republican Congress for a criminal and secretive trade agreement with a criminal communist state that shares no moral connection with a self-determined democratic society.

The Clinton White House has a long and morally-suspect connection to China across a wide array of dubious topics including the possible transfer of sensitive U.S. military technology. An incredibly horrible President who still somehow manages to bamboozle society while George Bush is demonized for the outcomes of many of Clinton's absolutely horrendous policies. All because Bill Clinton is a smooth-talking manipulator with a line of bullshit a mile long while George Bush has the public speaking skills of a rock. But hey, on a positive note Clinton made over $120 million since leaving office by taking advantage of the political connections made while supposedly leading our country.

All is fare in the free market, eh?
posted by TimingLogic at 7:41 AM