Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Systemic Incompetence- Over The Last 25 Years Wall Street's Annual Earnings Estimates Have Proven To Be Astronomical Comparative To Reality

This type of systemic incompetence can be explained via one overriding dynamic. That is, Wall Street has been granted monopoly access to society's money via the equally incompetent Federal Reserve. Deer in the headlights. While tens of millions of Americans struggle for their very economic existence, the most incompetent in society bask in untold riches of usury all courtesy of Washington politicians.

If you live in Compton, California or Detroit, Michigan or New Orleans, Louisiana, you might be the next Albert Einstein or Michelangelo Buonarroti but society will never know it because Wall Street stooges have monopoly control over society's capital and they'll be damned before they ever give you access to it. Instead they piss it away on fraudulent scheme after fraudulent scheme - incompetent private equity, big business loans, technology bubbles, personal bonuses, hedge funds, proprietary trading, mergers & acquisitions, government bribes, banking usury, loans to move factories overseas, you name it. You aren't getting any of it.

Racism, poverty, systemic drug addiction, an overloaded prison system, systemic unemployment, lack of economic vibrancy and more is a direct result of our corrupt banking system.

Link in the title
posted by TimingLogic at 9:47 AM