Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Chamber Of Commerce's Neoliberal Corporatist Agenda For Jobs - Cut Salaries, Benefits, Regulations, Social Programs And Of Course Corporate Taxes

Oh, and sell off the publicly-owned assets of the government to rich private investors at bargain basement prices thus increasing the wealth disparity even further. I think we have already called this public-private partnership bulloney for what it is - stealing.

Gee, this will work. Right after we get to 50% unemployment because of these recommendations. This corporatist agenda is a rehash of the same old bullshit we've been living through for the last few decades. As we have said numerous times before, on this blog we are NOT pro business as the fascist corporatocracy is. We are pro markets because a self-determined people operating in a working market is what made our country the economic engine of the world. It was not corporations, politicians and surely not the Chamber of Commerce that made America the economic engine of the world. We are also not pro corporate capitalism, state capitalism or European capitalism. We are also pro American capitalism that we defined on here many times.

I have a better idea than the corporatocracy's plan. How about restoring defined benefit pensions, saving Social Security, making affordable health care available to all Americans (affordable, not free), providing a living wage for all Americans willing to work, cutting the income tax to zero, closing the loopholes to corporate tax breaks, restoring sound yet simple regulation and creating 15-20 million jobs in a handful of years? And doing so in using economics proven by mathematical gaming theory? Would most Americans support a democratic, merit-based plan if it would work? And it would without any doubt.

The Chamber of Commerce knows little, if anything, about economics. Even less about how to build a working market and the mathematics behind such an endeavor. They are self-serving corporatist lobbyists with a self-serving corporatist agenda.

As I have said before, you'll have to wait on my plan. I'm working on my submission for a Nobel Prize in economics. If economists can't seem to ever get anything right and even repudiate their Nobel Prize-winning work at a later date as Myron Scholes did, and if Al Gore can win a Nobel Prize for making shit up and President Obama can win a Nobel Peace Prize for continuing to blow up half the world, why can't I win a cookie? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
posted by TimingLogic at 10:18 AM