American Foreign Policy Exposed - The Gap Between U.S. Action And Rhetoric In Egypt
It is becoming more and more apparent that the U.S. does not want democracy in Egypt. The more on considers this from a rational perspective, the more one understands. Why would Washington want an independent voice in Egypt? Washington controlled Mubarak with bribes and the power of the U.S. military. Washington cannot control an open and free society which may express dissenting views. By the way, that not only applies to Egypt, that applies to our domestic policies as well.
I am obviously not the only one who sees the U.S. actions confirm something stinks in Washington with regards to Egypt. As journalist Robert Fisk points out, the U.S. has hand picked its replacement stooge – a CIA torturer and brutal Mubarak thug. As Chris Hedges remarked in one of the prior posts, the people of Egypt see our actions and hear our words even if Americans are shielded from the truth. How thirty years of U.S. corruption in Egypt plays itself out will be very interesting. If the entire regime is toppled, what U.S. secrets may be uncovered? Needless to say, it ain’t workin’ out in Washington’s favor so far.
In some ways, the opening remarks in this interview reminds me of our dilemma. Of wanting a return to equal rights democracy and multi-party elections. The U.S.’s ruling party The National Neoliberal Soviet Democratic-Republican Corporatist Welfare War Party also gains just about 97% of the vote as does Mubarak. Having two small groups of power-seeking thugs (the two political parties in the U.S.) control the debate and control elections in America is not much different than what has been going on in Egypt for the last thirty years. In the U.S., candidates dissenting from party views created by a handful of crooked politicians at national party level is not tolerated. Those espousing dissent or the diversity of views that reflect our society’s diversity are not allocated national election funds. Therefore, we get candidates with a very,very narrow ideology that falls in line with the party power structure. We get a long line of Hosni Mubaraks. In other words, we get a political system guaranteed to garner 97% of the vote that is controlled by a handful of people pulling the levers for the two parties. And where do those people gain their power? Quite simply though massive sums of money from American and international elites who want nothing to do with democracy and corporations who seek to subvert economic democracy. Frankly, we get people who have sold out our democracy and our country. It’s that simple. Do the actions of any of our leaders ever match the rhetoric? Does Obama’s actions match his rhetoric in Egypt?
We need to bust up the two party monopoly and open our political system to the diversity of ideas that would make our democracy and our economy vibrant again.
As more and more leaks are aired in the Egyptian crisis, Hosni Mubarak has been exposed to be one of the greatest criminals the modern world has yet seen. His net worth is estimated to be as much as $70 billion. We can be quite certain almost all of that is American taxpayer money he plundered from the people of Egypt. And mind you, the American government clearly knew Mubarak was stealing all of this money and they didn’t care. Mubarak evidently flaunts his wealth in the United States so we can be quite certain this is no secret to our government who spies on everyone according to Wikileaks documents. And we can be completely certain all of Mubarak’s wealth is because his financial graft and illegitimacy was backed by American military force. All while tens of millions of Egyptians were denied any semblance of dignity. And while countless Egyptians rotted in prison or died at the hands of a brutal thug.
Change and civility you can believe in. The real awakening continues.
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