Update On The Lunacy Behind The Taibbi Story
You know, I remember half a dozen years ago when Wall Street took to smearing the CEO of Overstock.com as a lunatic. It was common practice to bully and victimize this guy. I can even remember reading where some in the criminal cabal tried to smear him because he was dealing with some emotional issues and was taking medication. How anyone found that out or if it was true, who cares. The point is how can anyone do something like that to another human being? Even in your darkest moment of the human condition. How can anyone brutalize and prey upon another person’s vulnerabilities? That is truly psychotic. It truly is evil defined. And, I do mean evil. Sonofabitches like that are no different than Adolph Hitler and I truly mean that in a purely pathological definition.
And the capo lawyers who represent this type of behavior? Talk about the self-rationalizing delusions of a false reality for self-interested greed, power and control. The self does this only to absolve it of the moral dichotomy that exists between behavior and beliefs. It is how the self rationalizes immoral behavior and allows the self to turn a blind eye to what is going on around it because it is benefiting from power, greed, money, control, status, vainglory, etc. This is the behavior of a completely unstable perception of self. Someone completely disconnected from their humanity and their core spiritual being.
This is simply representative of the absolutely morally-bankrupt culture of Wall Street and private, for-profit control of democracy’s capital. I have noted before and I will say it again, I believe Wall Street as it is structured is the greatest evil in this world today. As brutally frank as I can be , I don’t even write half of how they impact the world through the dollar reserve currency or how they use the control of capital to stoke racism, bigotry, hatred, violence, smearing of people who expose them, destroying democracy, etc. We need to dismantle Wall Street and replace it once and for all with a democratic capital system. As I have noted many times, I think we are in the early stages of dismantling the beast and replacing it with a totally different monetary and banking system once and for all.
A Bloomberg story and a remark from the CEO of Overstock have come to pass as a result of the Taibbi post.
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