Thursday, December 17, 2020

What We Don’t Know About The CV19 Vaccines

Just a quick comment here with vaccines being rushed to market by Trump, politicians of both parties, pharma and no doubt corporate capitalism.  There’s a reason drug approvals in the U.S. take as long as they do. Getting a vaccine approved in a matter of months may seem like an incredible feat of science. But is it?

As I’ve noted in the past, I’m not going to be debating virologists, immunologists and the like.  I’m not an expert and unlike many people on the internet, I appreciate my limitations. But, I am quite confident in my abilities to design scientific experiments and, therefore, would consider myself able to have a deep conversation or provide a critic of the vaccine trials. And, I do have some substantial understanding of how and why our medical infrastructure for vaccines exists.

Peter Doshi, an editor for the British Medical Journal, penned an op-ed in the journal and the New York Times that these trials are lacking in substance as it pertains to the objective of any vaccine. Do they save lives? And, the answer he penned was they weren’t designed for that.  What he didn’t say, but seems obvious from the open questions.

We can clearly determine the trial data provided by the FDA is substantially lacking.  And, the trials themselves are a farce.  Infecting 20,000 people, arbitrarily picking a date to end the trials and relying on reporting of symptoms followed up by an infection test is a comedy of scientific errors and scientific ethics.

Some simple questions that are not answered with a vaccine ramrodded through this process could be-

  1. How many lives can we expect the vaccine to save based on trial data?
  2. Can vaccinated people infect others?
  3. How long will the vaccines last?
  4. Why weren’t challenge trials undertaken? ie Vaccinate volunteers and then expose them to the virus.
  5. How many high risk patients were included in the trials?
  6. How many people may have contracted the virus but were not measured because not every participant was tested?
  7. How many trial participants had high-risk co-morbidities? How many were sick?
  8. How many, based on probabilities, would have been hospitalized in what high-risk or age groups?
  9. What are the short and long term safety profiles of the vaccines?

From there, we can ask additional questions based on that data.  None of which was captured by the vaccine trials.  Not only that, but the drug companies essentially waited until there were some measurable infections and stopped the trials.  Then they claimed 95% efficacy.  Does that mean the vaccine is 95% effective?  This is a hilarious claim that isn’t grounded in any type of scientific reality. Statistically, again taking into account margins of error, this vaccine hasn’t been proven to do anything more than normal infection given the sample size is so small and the infection rate is arbitrary. 

There is a way to determine if the vaccine is 95% effective. It’s via challenge trials. Oxford-AstraZeneca stated they would do challenge trials or infect those who received the vaccine. Yet, the political and economic pressure is so great, we shall see if they actually follow through.

When I looked at the trial data, I believe there were five people in the vaccine group who contracted Bell’s Palsy.  Five people are within some margin of error who would die of CV19 in this size of control group.  The FDA language was to discount Bell’s Palsy as statistically insignificant.  Yet, there is a history of Bell’s Palsy and vaccines.  I don’t know about you, but having your life destroyed with frozen, contorted face muscles isn’t statistically insignificant.  

The only conclusion we can draw is that we have a shot to be given to everyone that doesn’t answer a tremendous amount of questions because the trials weren’t designed to capture these questions.  It was designed to ramrod a trial to completion.  While we don’t know the answer of why this is, I have a few perspectives of why this may have happened.

  1. This process has been highly politicized and governments want to open their economies back up. This rush is substantially because the corporate state has no desire to pay the unemployed, pay small businesses and pay the poor.  The U.S. shits all over small businesses, family-owned businesses and its citizens while many nations are paying upwards of $7,000 a month for people to consider the common good.  In the U.S., grandma dies for the Dow.  So, they want to get something done, thus the politicization of science and the destruction of the scientific method.  Emails have now been released that Trump’s team wanted Americans to get sick and were relying on herd immunity.  While this virus isn’t as lethal as originally believed as science learned more and more about it, herd immunity is a farce.  Those pushing it are literally scientific idiots.  It’s a death march for many in high risk groups and once again shows how the U.S. cares more about money and property than people. This is consistent with Trump wishing to reopen everything and pretend this is all a myth.  By the way, I am quite confident Trump was willing to sacrifice people because of his own businesses being damaged.
  2. The vaccine industry is not an accountable one and therefore has a history of gross incompetence and negligence.  The 20+ page waivers for these vaccines place all of the risks on the person being vaccinated. US law protects them from being sued via these government-sanctioned waivers.  The long history of the vaccine industry is steeped heavily in the military being able to quickly vaccinate Americans were there some biological attack.  So, safety is on the risk of the vaccinated and not the companies or the government.
  3. The US health industrial complex is one of the most incompetent, poorly run, unaccountable bureaucracies in the developed world.  I’ve noted this many times on here including before a single CV19 death in the US. This is generally not a data-driven industry. The science behind protocols and measured outcomes is often highly dubious to outright erroneous. Americans are fed a long line of propaganda of how our healthcare system is the best in the world when benchmarking shows it is near or at the bottom in countless measurements.  And, for that privilege of deaths, disease and lack of humanity, we pay double what most countries pay.  The healthcare industry is there to primarily extract rent.  It’s not there for preventative care or to even provide premium healthcare.  Sure, there are doctors and professionals within the system who do their best but that’s no different than the Soviet Union.  There were good people trying to do their best but the system kept them from being successful at doing it.  In other words, point number 3 can be summarized into the trial lacks data-driven rigor and ethics because the healthcare system isn’t accountable to either.

In these times it is up to individuals to become as aware as possible about their own fate; there is no common good in the corporate state. And, we suffer from the tyranny of cult of experts for purposes of self-interest, careerism, profit and the like.  I will not be getting this vaccine anytime in the indefinite future. And, I appreciate the risks to getting CV19 are unknown, vary widely and may put me at substantial risk.  In other words, I respect what I don’t understand, respect science and as a result, respect risk; something a large number in our dumbed-down society don’t appreciate.  But those receiving it are being used as guinea pigs to collect answers that should have been collected before the vaccines were approved. 

posted by TimingLogic at 1:35 PM