Germany, France and Italy Suspend AstraZeneca CV19 Vaccine Due To Complications
This was reported by the AP. This suspension is due to one of the issues I linked to in the last CV19 post where doctors sent a letter to the European equivalent of the FDA raising this concern. I can imagine the first thing we are going to hear is that this isn’t the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. Yet, my last post highlighted increasing medical and scientist concerns and risks to both. Both types of vaccines target the spike protein we’ve all become laymen experts about. Both trigger the body to respond similarly with potentially substantial yet-t0-be-uncovered unknowns and risks. Why would it not be plausible that side effects could be similar without scientific research/validation to the contrary? The virologist who actually used to work for the Gates Foundation (for those who hate Bill Gates), said something very profound in the link I provided. That science didn’t take the time to understand the virus and how it was reacting with the human body before creating a vaccine. So, we ended up not understanding our enemy and going to war with the wrong weapons. There is merit to that perspective. That we didn’t do scientific diligence and quantify risks. Does that mean the vaccines are dangerous to most? No. But, we are still learning about the virus and the vaccines so what the governments of nations should have done is be honest with citizens and tell them we believe these vaccines are safe but that there are risks. And, we will monitor their impacts and transparently share that data. But instead we are treated as infants or politicians fear telling us the truth. Either way, this doesn’t represent the consent of the governed.
American medicine in particular lacks a scientific research mindset. What a surprise. We are a nation that rejects science. We ship our science jobs to China, Mexico, India and Vietnam. Or, let the Europeans do it for us. As I noted back in February in 2020, more than a year ago as it pertained to what was potentially coming re this virus, US medicine often looks more like witchcraft than science. What I mean by that is we lack a rigorous data-driven infrastructure to validate medical procedures, outcomes, approaches and treatments. To this day, we don’t have a national data-driven effort to capture effective CV19 treatments, CV19 short and long term medical side effects or CV19 vaccine short or long term side effects. Thus, we just piss against the wall and hope for the best. Doctors and nurses are left to make things up and use word of mouth for successes and failures. They have done an admirable job by cutting death rates. But, it’s poking in the dark as opposed to using data-driven science to achieve those goals on a national level.
It is my perspective that a substantial reason this exists is that doctors are not scientists; something noted on here for years. So, they don’t think like scientists. Many, especially general practitioners are often little more than legalized drug pushers. There is no incentive for them to be scientists.
There was once a time when Europeans were pioneering medicine by offering or even requiring PhD science degrees in concert with MD degrees. The US has never done that. Although I believe there are a very small number of US schools that now offer this approach. I don’t stay close enough to this point to speak authoritatively on who is currently offering what but I do know the US isn’t focused on producing scientists as it pertains to doctors. That doesn’t mean US doctors aren’t capable. But it does mean the thought processes behind treatments, outcomes, drug usage and the like are too often void of data-driven science. It’s an awareness, rigor mindset more than an intelligence or capability issue.
So, while US medicine is busy ramrodding a never-before used vaccine approach, with two months and 20,000 trial participants, numerous European nations have been and continue to raise issues about what the vaccine is actually doing in the body. And reporting negative outcomes including what the implications are for a vaccine that actually doesn’t vaccinate people but rather is some type of a booster shot. (My last CV19 post) This is because they are capturing data and, more importantly, rather than conforming to a profit-driven corporate healthcare edict that only exists in the U.S., they are asking and raising serious scientific questions. Just imagine how many other healthcare dynamics enforce this conformity in our nation? This because private profit is the primary intent of the healthcare delivery system. I’ll give you another dynamic just as it pertains to CV19. The number one correlation of CV19 hospitalization and death appears to be obesity. Who’s responsible for the obesity epidemic in our nation? The for-profit, investor-owned industrial food complex hooking us on high-profit, low nutrition food that has addictive qualities. Where’s the healthcare system demanding accountability on nutrition? They are owned by the same corporate investors as healthcare. And, the corporate media and on and on. People would be fired for speaking the truth against corporations and investors. This already happens everywhere in medicine where employees are muzzled and terminated for speaking the truth. We lie to each other in this nation so much we don’t even know what the truth is.
As I noted in prior posts, our society lacks an understanding of risk analysis and risk management. That includes the appreciation of future risk. Poverty, lack of healthcare, lack of education, lack of employment, lack of community, lack of social support structures and the like creates incredible risks and ends up with a fragile society. That is the United States. This is consistent with the cheerleading of a vaccine where two months of clinical trials on a very small participant data set of generally healthy individuals. The real world was not reflective of those trials nor the profile of participants. And, what’s even more disconcerting is more than a year later the US has no national data capture system for CV19 treatments, CV19 short or long term side effects, or CV 19 vaccine short or long term side effects. Even though we see disturbing trends on the very underused CDC VAERS site. How is this much better than witchcraft? Yet, Fauci comes out last week and blames Republicans who want to see more data, which we are now getting and it’s not good, on not wanting a vaccine. Well, I’m not a Republican and as I’ve noted, I will not be getting the vaccine. That is an open statement that may change with new treatments or more data but to-date, the data isn’t moving in the right direction. The first thing that should happen is a house cleaning at the CDC that builds transparency, operational expertise and a data-driven science mindset. None of which seem apparent today.
Do you know why these risks exist everywhere in our society? Because spending money to build a resilient society takes money out of corporate profits or raises taxes on corporations and the rich to pay for that resilience. Who hates America? Corporate capitalist criminals and the rich who embrace profits over the common good. Even if it means sending all of our science, technology and capital-producing industries to communist and third world countries. Thus, killing Americans with poverty, stress and loss of livelihood.
The United States is a death cult enforced by corporations and the investor class and both political parties, corporations themselves.
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