14 Israelis Contract COVID A Week After Third (Booster) Shot
I love how Democrats are using their bully pulpit to terrorize people into getting this vaccine. Even though much of the science is collapsing right before our eyes as noted in the last post. But, what I really love because it’s much more nuanced, insidious and manipulative is Republicans telling us that government shouldn’t mandate the vaccine. And, that it should be up to the “private sector”. Not individuals. Not democracy. The private sector. This is part of the incredibly dystopian narrative that has been normalized for 150 years and has allowed evil to gain a grip over our nation, devour democracy, and is thus a blind spot for corporate libertarians, conservatives and Republicans that support this narrative. That is, if democratic government, supposedly the will of the people, doesn’t have the right to enforce this vaccine, how exactly do wealthy private interests have the right to force democracy’s citizens to take this vaccine? Simple. We are and always have been under corporate rule since the Industrial Revolution. Private capital has devoured government and politicians are the stooges there to enforce corporate rule. The government itself has no power. US power is contrived and projected through corporations, corporate profits and enslavement to for-profit corporate-created money.
The doubling down on the narrative that the unvaccinated must get their shots is losing steam with people having immediate access to information outside of the corporate-ruled United States. While the Internet is a disaster, if one has any ability to sift through the garbage, the democratization of information is destroying the ruling class of corporate and political apparatchiks. People wonder if there is a boogeyman out to get them or is this vaccine some attempt to murder a large percentage of the global population. While rich elites and capitalism certainly have an illustrious history of eugenics and attempting to kill off huge numbers of people (often successfully), I tend to discount that as a conspiracy as it would require a global cabal of unprecedented coordination. A hive mind of essentially every governing body and every corporation on earth.
There certainly are conspiracies of wealthy capitalists and politicians in play today but I tend to doubt this is anything other than pure political incompetence and capitalist greed. Gross incompetence of supposed experts. Something I have railed against repeatedly. Even writing specifically about this as the title of posts including credentials versus competence in a post a decade ago. Just as quoted in the last post, “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts”. (Feynman). What we are witnessing is supposed experts in the form of corporate apparatchiks, institutionalized science and academic apparatchiks, captured regulatory apparatchiks, endlessly idiotic bought-and-paid-for political apparatchiks and the like telling us to do as we are told because the experts told us. (Reagan broke the flood gates of private capital and really is primarily responsible for creating the USSR-style apparatchik society. More on that later.) But, science (hypothesis, empirical data, re-hypothesis if necessary, empirical data and conclusions.) is now rolling in and telling us the emperor has few if any clothes.
A few more choice links for anyone interested to consume.
Pfizer COVID vaccine contract de-mystified. (Video) This is an excellent review of Pfizer’s contract with governments. It was banned by Twitter. This analysis has the potential to prove that the reason why we don’t have any treatments or protocols for COVID is that corporate contracts appear to legally forbid it if I am interpreting the contract correctly. In other words, the possibility exists that some large amount of people died from COVID because of corporate contract subverting democratic society around the world creating this dynamic. There are plenty of other very disconcerting dynamics surrounding this contract as well. That includes what appears to possibly be required silence on side effects of the vaccine. The world of democracy has been devoured by corporate capitalism. And, hopefully, people are beginning to see it more clearly. It loves authoritarian government. In fact, it needs it to survive. This is the only reason why the Articles of Confederation were overturned in secrecy by our founders and replaced with a powerful centralized government. Because private capital needs an authoritarian state to enforce and slavery its will onto the masses of humanity.
There are probably not a lot of long-time readers left since I’ve been writing for 15 years but long ago I noted that I would not be surprised to see extrajudicial Nuremberg-type trials in the US at some point due to the massive fraud controlling every aspect of our society. Extrajudicial because the court systems cannot be trusted to mete out justice.
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