Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Truth About Global Warming And The Economic Opportunity It Presents

I just so happened to be watching the financial channel late this afternoon. There was a debate between two guests on the truth about global warming. I didn't catch the affiliation of one guest but the other was from some institute for competition something or another. He argued vociferously about how global warming was hooey. He didn't have any statistics or any facts but he was quite sure of his position. On the other hand, the other guest appeared to be a scientist or at least well versed in some form of quantifiable work. So, we have more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than any time in the last 650,000 years. Something easily verified by taking core ice samples or some other geeky methodology the brilliant scientists of the world have figured out. And, where does carbon dioxide come from? Internal combustion engine exhaust, coal burning power plants, steel plants, etc. ie, From man. Not all of it but we pump millions or billions of tons into the atmosphere annually. (I'm too lazy to Google it and find the facts.)

So, back on track. I look up the web site for this competitive something or another. The guy and his entire team are attorneys, MBAs, real estate experts, taxation experts, etc. I've met my fair share of MBAs. Nary a one was well versed in science unless it was one of the few scientists who happened to get an MBA. So, when do MBAs and attorneys all of a sudden become experts on science? Especially since, on average, none of them have ever cracked a serious science course or have any formal training or work in research? The reality is this guy was likely a lobbyist for companies who do not want to pay to clean up their polluting ways. You know, the same people who were dumping mercury into the water supply by the ton when they knew it would kill people because properly containing it would cost their company money. Oh, yea, those people. So, do you believe a likely lobbyist or a researcher from MIT? How smarmy can people be? I mean really? Do you care about your children? Or your grandchildren?

No one really knows how much human kind is affecting the planet. Most scientists will admit this. They will almost universally admit the planet is warming because it is proven scientifically beyond a reasonable doubt but don't know that we can actually pinpoint how much is man's making. We go through temperatture cycles on this earth and have well before man got here. But, why risk it? Because you want to make more money? Because you don't want to spend more on research because it would have otherwise been booked as profit that might have gone into a CEO's pocket?

Energy efficiency and environmental friendliness could and likely will be the next great growth opportunity for technology in America. Or, if we don't jump on it, someone else will. Japan, China, Germany, England, Russia, France? So, given that fact, do you, an American, want to leave our economic future to chance or do you want to lead in the race to dominate environmental technologies? It could be a source of great job creation in highly skilled fields of innovation. Research scientists, engineering, marketing, sales, accounting, manufacturing, etc. We need an energy policy in the United States and more importantly, we need a strategy the country is gunning for. The President can provide that beacon and leadership just as he did with the Apollo program to send man to the moon. Our strategy should incent the markets to take risk and rewards them regardless of whether oil is at $15 or $85 a barrel. We don't need government subsidies. We need government coordination and incentives via tax breaks and regulation reform. Write your Congressman(woman) and demand their action!
posted by TimingLogic at 7:20 PM