Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Holidays

2006 has been an interesting year in this big old world. For those of you have visited this blog, I'm hoping that it was entertaining, informative or both. While I try to keep it to business, I enjoy honing my sardonic writing skills as much as anything. In the end, blogging and business are a mere distraction from life's important moments so I tend not to take it too seriously.

If you've learned anything or even simply enjoyed this blog, I would ask you to consider giving something special to charity this year. Most people who read this blog have the financial wherewithal to help out in some form and I'm sure most do. This holiday season hundreds of millions of mothers and their children will go to bed with no roof over their head or no food in their stomach. While this topic is discomforting for many, sometimes discomfort is what we need to move ourselves to action.

As we all reflect upon this past year, I hope all us will use this opportunity to rededicate ourselves to being a better person. This world needs everyone to do so. In the end all that matters is compassion and kindness. Not just to those who love us but to everyone. Kindness is a contagion. It creates more kindness. Take this opportunity to be kind to someone you haven't made amends with or to a stranger in need. Life is too short and there will come a day when it will be too late for all of us.

There are a few links on the lower left side of my site of children's charities who generally rank quite high in external audits. Or maybe you have a favorite. If you are not fortunate enough to to help out in some way, I truly hope your fortunes change in 2007. I'll probably have a light or nonexistent posting schedule until after the new year at which time I'll resume my rantings.

Wishing everyone peace and serenity.


Ranting "Me"
posted by TimingLogic at 9:53 AM