Monday, May 21, 2007

I Had To Put Up This Interview With Marc Faber

Today a video interview popped up on Bloomberg with Marc Faber. If you click on the link, you may have to do so with Microsoft Explorer as sometimes there are problems viewing Bloomberg videos with Firefox. This may be the best interview I have seen on Bloomberg and you do not want to miss it.

I believe Marc Faber is one of the world's most brilliant investing minds and he has a track record to prove it. Although, I also believe Marc has been extremely wrong about the demise of the US comparatively that he has been predicting for some time. It appears his position has moderated somewhat with this interview. I might even interpret his comments as mildly bullish comparatively on the US. He must be reading my blog because he's almost said verbatim what I've been saying about this cycle. Haha. It's ironic I wrote on here early in 2007 that Detroit real estate was looking extremely attractive to me. Of all of the assets in the world, he mentions Detroit real estate as about the only undervalued asset globally. Oh, and farm land. I have a post started regarding farm land that will go up some time in the next few months.

Marc, if you read my blog, email me on the front page link. I'd like to talk to you.
posted by TimingLogic at 11:41 AM