Thursday, August 21, 2008

Awakening To The Commodities Scheme

"Enlighten the people and tyrannies and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like spirits at the dawn of the day." -- Thomas Jefferson

Truth is a hard commodity to come by these days. Yet, of all commodities, it is the most precious. Greater than gold or platinum. It is the one with the greatest demand. In times like this where there is great untruth, we can always find it within by trusting ourselves. More and more people are indeed liberating themselves by doing exactly that. That very truth will have the greatest impact of any act imaginable.

If anyone still doesn't believe commodities markets are being significantly impacted, if not outright manipulated by financial firms, you have yet to awaken to the truth around you. Some may believe that I was overly dramatic by saying children are going to bed hungry at the expense of Wall Street greed re the commodities bubble but the truth is becoming more apparent. Did you listen to the taped Enron conversations in one of the Greenberger videos I posted on here? Enron executives laughing that impoverished people were suffering under their manipulation of California's energy markets. Manipulation that caused severe shocks. If one firm, Enron, can manipulate major markets, what powers lie beneath the world's largest financial institutions to do the same thing with oil, copper, nickel, wheat, corn, rice and on and on. It is not implausible to conclude the blood of many impoverished suffering around the world might be found on the hands of many involved in this scheme.

While the general public is knowingly fed swill to pump the bubble, the only persons to complain are a handful of informed individuals and ironically major oil companies. Not everyone has the desire or wherewithal to determine the measurable explosion in commodities futures contracts, derivatives and the like but it is imperative those that can, enlighten everyone so that tyranny and oppression vanish. How ironic that major oil companies have complained repeatedly to government officials about speculators manipulating prices. Those complaints went unchecked for years. But, Wall Street knowingly feeds society's misplaced resentment towards Exxon, Chevron, Saudi Arabia and any other oil-related organization by its silent game. To the point that unknowing politicians pile on with talk of taxing excess oil company profits and individuals turn their ire on legitimate energy-related businesses. Most recently a very few morally centered hedge funds and individuals have joined us to make witness to this scheme. But I can't find nary a person from Wall Street who has done so in the last ten years. Not one.

I'm been telling you commodities are a bubble since starting this blog and now the public is finally getting some transparency into the scams as government wheels start to work on behalf of the sovereign once again. The Washington Post today reports much of what we have been talking about for years.

The first major change to this regulatory framework occurred in 1991, when Goldman Sachs, through a subsidiary called J. Aron, argued that it should be granted the same exemption given to commercial traders because its business of buying commodities on behalf of investors was similar to the middlemen who broker commodity transactions for commercial firms.

The CFTC granted this request. More exemptions soon followed, including one to the Houston-based energy trader Enron. (You remember Enron, eh?)

Investment banks had been frustrated with the established exchange because they really were never able to get control of it....................

The most successful of the private platforms was InterContinental Exchange, or ICE, founded by Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and a few other big brokerages in 2000. ICE soon opened a trading platform in London, allowing its founders to trade vast quantities of U.S. oil overseas without being subject to regulation. (Even though ICE is an American company, they are most surely skirting American regulation)

This article is a must read. In a bout of spontaneous enlightenment, the CFTC, who denied speculators were affecting markets for years, now reports that 81% of oil trading is financial speculation. Add in derivatives and it is most assuredly 90+%. We wrote that futures speculation alone had increased nearly ten fold in the futures market while the CFTC was denying any impact. For God's sake, it's about time someone wakes up and does their damn job.

Much of your economic distress has been at the hands of financial schemes and this is no different. You had better be mad as hell about it. How much has your family had to suffer because of high food or energy prices? High home heating costs? Have you lost your home because of it? Your car? Your job? How many layoffs are because of high commodity prices? How many impoverished people have had to have their heating shut off because they cannot afford to pay their bills? Have any elderly or impoverished died in an unheated or uncooled home? How have others less fortunate around the globe been impacted? I want you to remember that money quite likely went from your paycheck into the pockets of greed. As they knew exactly what pain they were causing. Think of that. This greed includes your banking system meant to serve society. Instead they are causing much of your economic distress and the government did nothing to stop it. The same people you are now bailing out for other unsavory schemes. And, as recently as a month or so ago your government threatened to veto legislation that restricted speculation in commodities markets. This is after passing legislation that allowed this to happen in the first place.

It's time to let your government know that the thieving party is over. The best way to do so is to demand change, transparency, regulation and to vote. It's time for a house cleaning.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:28 PM