Sunday, September 21, 2008

China's Latest Product Scandal Involves Tainted Milk

Milk has been knowingly spiked with melamine in an attempt at profits over safety. 6,000 babies (likely substantially more) have been impacted. This is simply the latest in a systemic problem with corruption in the communist Chinese economy. We seem to be in this never ending cycle of dealing with deaths and sicknesses around the globe due to intentional 'mistakes' that a corrupt government seems unable to control. Of course, you might consider these never ending dramas would never be possible were the Chinese government subservient to the sovereign. In other words, this problem has no cure in its current form.

You might also remember the case of pet food originating in China and sold in America that killed many pets. They too, as is the case with these infants, suffered melamine spiking that caused renal failure.

I have two very interesting and even bizarre upcoming posts surrounding this topic. They are already finished but I limit the amount of time I spend on the blog and current events are trumping my post schedule.
posted by TimingLogic at 4:13 PM