Friday, October 03, 2008

Bets On Bailout Bill Passing Reach 91%

Given we live in a global casino, and that leadership has gambled with your future for years, why not belly up to the bar and place your bet as to whether the bailout bill will pass? The odds are now 91%. But, be aware that the prior bill that was shot down was well over 91% before its defeat.

Unfortunately, it appears Wall Street and the White House have created enough fear on main street to now pass this miserable piece of shit. (I'm boning up on my French. Parlez-vous francais?) I hope I'm wrong. A defeat would actually put people to work to find substantive answers worthy of the people's support. And, do so with incredible urgency. We'll get to that point anyway but it's just a matter of how much money is wasted and damage is caused before hand. Everyone has seemingly been convinced, I believe through a fair amount of conscious deceit, all credit issues are somehow going to be fixed with this bailout. Forget it.

We are likely to see the greatest number of bankruptcies and defaults since the Great Depression.
posted by TimingLogic at 5:24 AM