Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Lobbysts Line Up At The Gutter To Profit From Any Bailout Plan

A nice heartwarming story from Politico. There's nothing more representative of our current government than the lobbyist swine that line K Street. There is no chance this environment could have unfolded without their complete complicity. Are the new Presidential candidates representative of a different Washington? We shall see. McCain speaks of cleaning up Washington while employing 83 lobbyists on his campaign team. I'm an equal opportunity basher of lobbyists but I cannot find a specific number working for Obama. Although there is substantially similar behavior.

If you would like more transparency into the actions of the Wall Street pigmen and their lobbyist henchmen in this Wall Street crisis, click here. You will find a lot of factual data into the spending habits of the old boy's club. Free markets? Why subject one's self to such petty games. It's much easier just to buy a politician.
posted by TimingLogic at 6:56 AM