Saturday, October 25, 2008

T Boone Pickens On 60 Minutes Sunday Night

I added a link to T Boone Pickens' energy plan on the blog a few months ago. And, I have signed the petition on his site. Not because I think his plan is a great plan. But, because he is forcing a dialog into the mainstream that is meant to create economic opportunity and energy independence. The best energy plan is one created by market forces but society and government can and will play a role in any investment including incentives. There comes a time when we need less talk and more action.

Pickens is spending hundreds of millions of his own money to further a dialog into the energy space and to push towards real action while politicians play the blame game on a wide variety of topics and spend time winning their elections or re-elections. Pickens is scheduled to be on 60 Minutes this Sunday evening and it may be worth watching.

posted by TimingLogic at 7:37 PM