Sunday, December 21, 2008

As Russian Civil Unrest Increases, The Response Is More State-Sponsored Terror Over Its Own People

As civil unrest increases substantially in Russian, the state attempts to gain power aimed at controlling its own citizens through acts of terror.

If anyone didn't see this environment coming, they need a history lesson. The greatest threat to humanity is state sponsored terror be it projected outward or at the expense of its own people. It is a timeless truth. One that great minds of freedom have recognized for thousands of years.

Any legislation or law enacted in times of volatility - often portrayed as protection for the sovereign - is nothing of the sort. That includes provisions of the Patriot Act in the United States. These power grabs by the state are timeless as our founding fathers warned us and many civil libertarians again warn us in today's world. As long as there is a state, no freedom is guaranteed. It is earned daily through activism.
posted by TimingLogic at 1:09 PM