Sunday, February 08, 2009

Chef John's Garlic And Ginger Chicken Wings

If I actually had to think about this economic mess all day long, I'd be insane by now. In fact, I recommend to everyone that they try to take a break from reality as often as possible. That might be learning to meditate, exercise, read a book or even taking a break from the constant bad news in the media and blogosphere. Whatever your favorite poison, this environment puts an even greater requirement on on having some routine or capability to emotionally decompress.

So, let's cut the monotony with some good news. There is no easier way to save money while decompressing than to cook......well.....then to eat it with friends and family. And, there isn't anything better than good chicken wings and a cold beverage. (Unless you are a vegan.) Chef John's Food Wishes is one of my favorite Youtube channels. His great explanations and techniques make recipes simple for even the most kitchen-challenged. Below is his recipe for garlic and ginger wings. If you like your wings without breading, he has a great recipe for those as well. And, if you go to his blog (linked to in the Youtube channel), he has a link to another of his web sites where he posts a recipe for the original Anchor Bar wings from Buffalo.

All of the specific recipes to his Youtube videos are on his blog at

posted by TimingLogic at 10:39 AM