Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Eliot Spitzer On The Real Scandal At AIG - An Inside Job?

It would be wise to consider Eliot Spitzer's perspective on Wall Street. His inside knowledge on the workings and corruptions of Wall Street have few equals in law enforcement. Spitzer made a mistake some time ago and he paid dearly for it with his job. Anything else is his business. This isn't the National Enquirer. Might I add, Spitzer didn't bring down the the entire economy as Wall Street has, causing trillions of dollars in damage and millions of job losses. Yet the majordomos on Wall Street are still sitting on their perch sucking the life out of American taxpayers courtesy of the state.

Spitzer's article at the title link raises many legal and moral questions most worthy of answer on behalf of society. In fact on that note, I would suppose his knowledge of Wall Street might actually be of value in framing policy and Federal investigations were there ever to be any - another political miscalculation in Washington that is causing substantial resentment and lack of confidence on main street.

Goldman Sachs, for one, has seemingly become the largest financial beneficiary of anyone in this country courtesy of the American taxpayers. I think we can now conclude Goldman is vying for the title of consummate crony firm. Unless, again, there is some other explanation for them receiving such a stack of cash while Americans rot in unemployment and welfare lines. Do tell. We are all ears. Is it any wonder Goldman wants to give the TARP money back? They seem to have more taxpayer money than Fort Knox. How utterly vile and disgusting can these firms be? They have received massive sums of taxpayer money without our consent. This elitism and pompous arrogance sickens me beyond words. Is this Thomas Jefferson's America? Abraham Lincoln's? Martin Luther King's? Susan B. Anthony's? The hundreds of millions of good people of this country are being shafted. And that is the biggest blow to confidence imaginable.
posted by TimingLogic at 7:57 AM