Thursday, July 16, 2009

Congress Is Dragging Its Feet On HR 1207

Congress is dragging its feet on the Audit the Federal Reserve Act and we need to keep up the pressure. The dysfunctional codependency that exists between Congress and the banking industry is self-evident. Only the people of this country can force change in Washington. And that means we need to re-engage in politics in a big way. And if you, your friends or your family are unemployed or underemployed or can't afford to pay healthcare costs or are facing any substantial economic crisis, you may be best served in solving that crisis by engaging in political activism. I believe this legislation could provide a tipping point for regulatory and banking system reform. You don't need to support Ron Paul or even his perspectives on economics or government to support this bill. You just need to believe greater transparency will lead to better governance and accountability to the people of this country.

I just sent another letter to both my Congressperson and Senator. Some people often wonder what to type so below is a sample. This is what I sent to my representatives.

Senator or Congressperson,
I am writing about HR 1207. I would like to know why you are not supporting this bill. It is imperative that the sovereign people of the U.S. know what is going on at the Federal Reserve. A banking system controlled by private financial interests with no accountability to Congress or the sovereign is arguably unconstitutional. It didn't used to be this way and the American people want reform in Washington. As our Federal government careens further down the road towards potential default, the people will remember who supported reform and who did not in government. The economy is going to worsen and the next crisis will surely happen on your watch. Those in Congress who agitated for better governance will be best served in any future elections. I would like an answer as to why you are not supporting this bill. If I do not see any action on your part as it pertains to this bill, I plan to start organizing against your re-election. This is a time when I need to see accountability to the people and action from my Senator or Congressperson. Thank you for your service. Regards,
posted by TimingLogic at 8:59 AM