Union Pacific Railroad CEO - There Are NO Green Shoots
Green shoots? Wall Street will tell you whatever they can get away with to keep their corrupt party going. This discussion about the economy bottoming has nothing to do with reality. It is an attempt to manipulate the public at-large. And, it is the ignorant or brainwashed elite who never saw this crisis coming attempting to do the manipulating. Or, using the Thomas Paine quote in the last post, "........and so effectually had the tyranny and the antiquity of habit established itself over the mind........." If Wall Street can hoodwink people to keep from true reform and re-ignite the economy, that's exactly what they are going to do. It's what they did in the last major crisis they created in 1989. Why wouldn't they try to keep the party going? They have robbed us blind. It won't work.
Young also points to the scope of the international drop in business. What is surprising to me is that everyone is still surprised by this. I think we are really the only source in the blogosphere or the financial community who has been saying for the last four years that emerging markets are headed for a lengthy depression. Some are now waking up to the fact that this crisis is going to be global but the appreciation of how deep and lengthy the emerging market collapse will be is still lacking.
Be prepared for the future.


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