Friday, August 07, 2009

I Would Like To Thank Nancy Pelosi And John Boehner For Their Austere Management Of The House Of Representatives

While tens of millions of Americans struggle with economic opportunity, (needlessly might I add) I feel so fortunate to live in a feudal society where poor bastards making $10 an hour with no health care or retirement plan get to bail out banksters stealing billions from society. Now, I feel even more fortunate for our uncompromising leadership in the House of Representatives.

It has become so much more clear to me how we need to be supportive of our great leadership. Dissent in this trying time should not be tolerated. In fact, I propose the Congress pass legislation to spy on Americans - read their emails, listen to their phone conversations, practice unlawful search & seizure and suspend habeas corpus. Dissent should not be tolerated and we must diligently monitor for any and every potential source of it. Oh, I'm sorry. That has apparently already happened. What a relief!

I now realize $200 million is a small price to pay for our fearless leaders' air travel plans. How could they ever find the time to search Travelzoo for coach airfare deals? I mean, they are so busy making very important decisions that affect our country. You know, like passing legislation that pays American firms to shutter factories and move jobs overseas and to deregulate financial markets so thieves can steal our life savings and to jeopardize Social Security with endless spending on mischievous foreign policies of no value to the American people and to encourage financial speculation in energy markets so little widowed grandmothers cannot pay their heating bills (people actually died in California due to Enron's energy manipulation) and to allow corporations to shut down pension plans just because they can. Just a few of the strenuous responsibilities of a modern-day Congressperson always looking out for the American people.

It's so clear to me now that were we to let the uneducated little people actually flourish through economic policies of self-determination and opportunity for all, we would see our economy dive into permanent chaos. It would be economic suicide were any of these little people to actually infiltrate the Congressional club or even be able to vote for a candidate that wasn't cleansed by lobbyist money - aka Republican or Democrat. The Congressional club's elitist status should be protected at all cost. Our best and brightest are on the job. Working for the people. It's all so clear to me now.

I feel so fortunate for Nancy and John's service to our country. For We the People. For a More Perfect Union. Nancy and John work so hard for us. I almost feel guilty that the average American family only works 73 hours a week and pays taxes until June before getting any take home pay. We should work more and do so for free as a sign of devotion to the tireless work of Nancy and John.

Finally, I would just like to officially thank both Nancy and John for sacrificing so much as civil servants protecting our society and the rights of those they work for. I'm looking forward to their new book titled The Ingsoc Book of Virtues : Acts of Morality and Austerity We Embrace While Running the Country for Our Bosses - the People of Oceania

Now I realize that $200 million would probably provide catastrophic health care for a few hundred thousand people who can't find a job. Or put food on the table for more than a few hungry kids. Or maybe provide a college education for the thousands of disabled war veterans. But, really, I do understand the aversion to Travelzoo.

It's good to be the king. But not much longer.
posted by TimingLogic at 7:21 AM