Thursday, January 21, 2010

Populist Senator From Massachusetts Does The Impossible - The Winds Of Change Are Reaching Hurricane Level. We The People Are Back In The Game.

The world, it is a changing. And it is a changing exactly the way we have said it would. Just a little over a year ago President Obama won Massachusetts by 26 percentage points. Now a populist running on the Republikaaner ticket wins a Senate seat held by the Dummycrats for half a century. And, how did he accomplish this? He won the populist vote - 51% of registered voters in Massachusetts are independents and they voted heavily for Brown.

It's interesting to watch the post election dynamics unfold. Democrats are generally in denial as to what this election means. It means exactly what the media mental midgets or democratic consultants on television say it doesn't mean. It is a vote against the unprecedented fraud and corruption perpetuated by Dummycrats and by the President. And the Republikaaners somehow believe this is a mandate for their resurgence. Hardly. Polls clearly show most Americans have an even higher disdain for the fraud and corruption perpetuated by Republicans. Scott Brown ran as a populist and during his acceptance speech clearly articulated his position as an independent. As someone embracing virtue and a desire to serve his constituents with no other master of fraud, party politics or lobbyist bribes. How is this a political party issue? It's an issue of morality.

Eventually we will see a political awakening that those beholden to the fraud of the anti-democratic Republikaaner and Dummycrat party stooges, who use power and control to jam unpopular agendas through for personal gain, are in very serious trouble. Americans are voting on substance, not stooge ideology. The parties can no longer hand pick candidates, often idiots, who will fall into line and tow the party ideology. Americans want free thinkers who are beholden to we the people. Ironically, populism was the driving force behind President Obama's 2008 elections. As we have written, it was not the Democratic party that elected President Obama. It was the independents that now comprise the largest voting block in America by a wide margin. Even registered Republicans and Democrats are often voting on substance rather than the party line.

As we have noted, President Obama could not be re-elected today. A substantial number of Scott Brown supporters were also Barack Obama supporters. The President ran on a platform of change the same as Brown. To date he has been a complete failure when measured by substance and not rhetoric. The only change we see in the last year is even more corruption, more back room deals, more banking fraud, more lack of transparency, more political lunacy and more party stooges attempting to control the national agenda. What we see is more of Bill Clinton and George Bush with a much more refined pitch.

The status quo still doesn't get it. They may have won recent battles by stealing more of our money and paying themselves for failure, perpetuating fraud and corruption in Washington and Wall Street and utter incompetence in managing the economy, but they have lost the war to the American people. The top is in on Washington's stupidity. They just don't realize the ramifications of that fact. Yet.

One point I really find ironic is the vitriolic personal hatred for Sarah Palin by the ideological Dummycrats. I didn't vote for Sarah Palin but it is amazing how much of her views parallel those of the presidential candidate Obama. Views that are often very mainstream as it pertains to what Americans want from Washington. But power brokers with the microphone always attempt to marginalize dissent by personal attacks. That's how we know their attacks have no merit. Rather than addressing issues of substance through debate and peer review, they instead level personal attacks. We see it time and again. It's the same attacks used against Martin Luther King. Attempts to label him as a threat to national security, a philanderer and a communist. Personal attacks meant to divert attention from the true power struggle he unleashed - the reality of racism, hatred, bigotry and zero regard for rights to a self-determined life guaranteed by the Constitution. This is all part of the same power struggle we see today between the state and populists supporting our personal freedoms including economic freedoms, which have been completed hijacked from many people.

As we have remarked, the future of the economy will not be decided by banksters or political stooges. It will be determined by the American people. By a populist movement. One where conservatives and progressives share the ideals of honesty, virtue, serving the American people and most of all, true leadership. Values we all share.

President Obama had every dynamic in place to become one of the greatest Presidents. He personally blew it. And so did the Dummycrats. Will he recover? This is either a wake up call or effectively the end of his Presidency. Because if he doesn't, there will be a massive revolt in the 2010 elections. And that is exactly what we have been writing about throughout all of 2009.

The political bubble in Washington is popping thanks to the people of this country. Not to politicians or the most powerful and corrupt unions in the history of America - political parties.

Welcome to the new world order. One where politicians are held to account by their masters. That would be you.
posted by TimingLogic at 8:53 AM