Monday, February 01, 2010

A New Era Of Responsibility - President Obama's 2011 Budget Freeze At $3.8 Trillion Is $2 Trillion More Than Receipts Six Years Ago And $1.4 Trillion

more than receipts at the height of the bubble. A bubble which created an upside aberration to tax receipts of local, state and federal government. An aberration which was generally spent with reckless abandon by profligate politicians high on other people's money.

The President's web site tells us this budget represents a New Era of Responsibility. And that it involves a freeze in spending. I'd like to have a freeze in my salary as defined by the President. I'll take a massive pay increase and classify it as a freeze any day. Only could a politician spin such a web of deceit. A leader, on the other hand, would give us an honest assessment of Bill Clinton and George Bush's neoliberal economic policies which resulted in massive class warfare, theft and a broken economy. A leader would then adopt economic policies which then fix the problem, restore virtue to Washington, restore power and wages to the American people and rationalize a broken government. Rather, we see a perpetuation of bloated bureaucracy tyrannizing its citizens. More Big Lies by the propaganda machine.

posted by TimingLogic at 12:35 PM