Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Real Dubai And UAE That The Government, Wall Street And The Main Stream Media Don't Want You To See

When CNBC, Goldman Sachs and other generally blabbering fools were bullish on Dubai and the Middle East, we were incredibly bearish on the oil fiefdoms. And while I am not predicting it, as we have written numerous times, I would not be surprised to see oil fall back to $10 a barrel in coming years - a price we saw a little over a decade ago. (For new readers, we wrote of the coming collapse in oil and that it would likely settle in the $30's before rising again. And we did well before it happened. The market rewarded us with this perspective because that is exactly what happened. In other words, I have some reality-based perspective far from the yapping Wall Street-induced Peak Oil crowd who was caught totally off guard by oil's collapse. Peak Oil was brought to you by the same people who brought you the energy trading fraud of Enron - that would be Wall Street. The same fraudulent hooligans who are trying to push Cap & Trade down our throat. When was the last time you read about Peak Oil with the biggest oil glut in history? Because that is what we are witnessing. It's just a matter of time until oil speculators get their butts handed to them again. Especially if the Enron-style oil markets are regulated in some form.)

posted by TimingLogic at 9:55 AM