Friday, February 05, 2010

Bernanke Again Calls Fed Independence Critical To Economy - More Of The Big Lie. Will The Bullshit Ever End? When We The People Make It So.

Any confidence I have had in the system is now completely gone. The fraud and corruption that has been so blatantly exposed over the last year is well beyond anything I ever could have imagined. Ultimately, the more people who completely chuck an invalid belief system, the greater chance we could actually get transformational reform.

That Bernanke keeps blabbering about this same bullshit tells me something is seriously rotten at the Federal Reserve. We wrote quite some time ago that the secrets at the Federal Reserve could actually turn out to be horrific and possibly not even related to this crisis. As I wrote at the time, I would be more inclined to believe the Fed is involved in some unsavory monetization schemes to support America's hegemony around the world.

Regardless, complete transparency must be achieved at the Federal Reserve. How does that impact independence? It doesn't. Additionally, Federal Reserve policy is about as independent from the Congress as Al Capone was independent from his gambling and prostitution operations. The similarities here are endless. We have politicians begging Wall Street for donations and arguing their stand against regulation of our banking system should be reason for Wall Street to donate billions (Isn't this a high crime against the sovereign of this country?) Then we have Wall Street throwing money at any form of legislation including cap and trade.

Federal Reserve independence? A farce! You know Adolph Hitler told us that if leaders tell a great lie enough, you can convince people it is actually true. The Big Lie. How many Big Lies can you identify? Let's see. Let the free market decide. Federal Reserve independence is critical to the economy. Our founding fathers believed in free-for-all economics. First we heard regulation would not have stopped this crisis and now it is proprietary trading had nothing to do with this crisis. President Obama is a socialist (does anyone even know what a socialist is?) Global warming will doom us all. Cap and trade is necessary to fight global warming. The Food and Drug administration actually protects the American people. We are fighting two wars to defend liberty. Bill Clinton was a great President. Peak oil. Peak Commodities. China will overtake the U.S. economy. China is an economic miracle. Our private banking system serves democracy and self-determination of all Americans and a public banking system would be socialism. The healthcare reform bill will cut costs. The President's jobs bill will create millions of new jobs. The federal government is freezing spending. I'd say that's a start.
posted by TimingLogic at 11:08 AM