Friday, March 26, 2010

Volatility Update - For The First Time In Over 200 Years Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull Is On Fire

"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us..........."
--Albert Einstein

Re one of our main themes of volatlity, this is a timely story. It's interesting on multiple accounts. First, for Iceland to be on fire means the awesome forces of the planet have likely been building for some time in the uppermost northern hemisphere including under the ice caps. (as well as elsewhere) Those forces invariably produce energy well beyond anything humankind could have cumulatively mustered over its entire existence. Have those building forces, invisible to the human conscience, been building for years? Have they played any role in the northern hemisphere ice melt so readily visible to the human conscience? Second, the last time Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano was on fire, the author surmises the event may have helped cause the French Revolution.

Based on prior remarks on here, this blog would draw a similar but distinctly different conclusion. That is, the same forces that causes Iceland's last tectonic events were the same forces which precipitated the French Revolution. In other words, instead of Iceland's eruptions being the cause of chaos in Europe as the article's author remarks (a unique perspective in itself), it was more than likely the correlation of the forces causing the French Revolution and the Iceland eruptions that were significant. Forces beyond our conscience. Thirdly, to validate this point, many of the galactic events we are experiencing today are starting to line up with similar events from the late 1700s. A time when the world was also in chaos - as revolution and enlightenment swept from country to country sacking elitist thugs. Will history repeat itself? Are we due a wave of sacking? Well, we have written of that very distinct possibility for a long time.

How did humankind ever develop the mindset that the entire universe surrounding us was impacted by forces we clearly do not understand, yet we as humans are somehow immune from these forces? Is this truly irrefutable truth? Incontrovertible science? Are you absolutely certain the forces driving this global economic meltdown were man made? Or is it an optical delusion of consciousness? Most people certainly believe these forces are man made. Why? Because that is what they were told to believe. Well isn't it? It's the same reason why countless millions believe our President will be our savior. That all the American economy needed was to get rid of George Bush. Or why we seek spouses who supposedly complete us. Or why we identify our self-esteem and worth by what we do for a living. Or on and on and on. An optical delusion of consciousness. For what really is consciousness? It is the manifestation of the manufactured self or the ego. And the ego will do anything to avoid looking inside to find answers from our authentic self. Instead we seek answers we will never find from others. Enlightenment involves a realization that the only person who will make this world a better place is ourselves. The only person who will fix the economy is me. It is nothing more than a shattering of the ego and many of the beliefs associated with it. The status quo is doomed. Remember, volatility often is indicative of a change in trend. The world will never be like it was two years ago. Ever.

The cycle of volatility continues.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:27 AM