Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ron Paul : End The Unconstitutional Corporatist (Fascist) For-Profit Private Health Insurance Mandate

Every day that goes by we see more and more attempts by private insurance companies to game Americans on the verge of serious illness or death. And now we are legally-mandated to buy this fraud and corruption? This is not health care reform. It's the state mandating policies for the supposed greater good. Some bureaucrat with their "best idea" about reform. There is no greater good than all people being free of economically-crippling mandates. There are countless ways to reform our health care system. This isn't one of them. Congressman Paul has introduced a bill doing away with the mandate portion of the recently passed health insurance bill.

Frankly, instead of a 2,400 page bill, we could have accomplished a greater good by offering any American the ability to buy into Medicare at cost. Those unable to pay the premiums for this service would be offered some type of assistance. Preferably a tax on the top one percent of Americans. Since the bottom 20% of Americans don't have access to stable or affordable health insurance because of the influence-peddling of the top one percent of Americans, they can easily bear the burden for their lobbying efforts circumventing the democratic workings of our government. That bill could have been written in less than 15 pages. Literally.

I still plan to put my ideas for reform up sometime in 2010. Reforms that would have created countless millions of new jobs.

posted by TimingLogic at 4:40 PM