Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Volcker Supports Regressive VAT Tax To Bail Out Profligate Wall Street And Washington

The United States government has pissed away the American people's money on countless wars, pet projects, give-aways to large corporations, decades of overbuilding of weapons stockpiles and countless Wall Street bailouts. Now the answer according to Paul Volcker could be a value-added tax to pay for such stupidity. What a brilliant idea. A brilliant idea for an idiot.

Value-added taxes are disproportionately born by those most unable to pay. That is, the economically marginalized and those without a political voice. Or more pointedly, those unable to line the pockets of Washington politicians. Who better to target for tax increases than those unable to defend themselves?

Is there anything in this country that is not experiencing record tax rates? Well, if anything that would be the uber wealthy and major corporations. The United States government and their asinine economic policies continues down the road of economic ruin.
posted by TimingLogic at 2:57 PM