Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Greek Crisis Is A Litmus Test For Democracy In Europe And Eventually For Our Freedoms In The United States

I have a different perspective on the crisis in Greece than most. Definitely different than you will read in the mainstream media. I support the people of Greece who are rising up against neoliberalism, deregulation and the theft of society's resources by criminal banksters, elites and political idiots. Just as I support the right of homeowners in the United States to challenge the legitimacy of their contracts based on the massive fraud that turned many innocent homeowners upside down. When the entire system of inflating prices is based on fraud, individual contracts are also impacted by that same fraud.

I support the right of Greeks, Spaniards and the Irish to challenge the legitimacy of the claims against them by the banksters just as I support the rights of Americans to challenge the legitimacy of many schemes we see today. The dynamic in Europe and the United States is absolutely no different. The political stooges and financial crooks are trying to saddle the people of Europe with their fraudulent shams without any financial or economic reforms of what has become a ruling class around the globe. I believe the people of Europe should repudiate many of these financial claims just as Americans repudiated the many financial claims foisted upon them by the Bank of England and their beholden political stooges in London before the Revolutionary War.

Do you believe in democracy? Do you believe the American economy can survive under the current economic model? Do you believe this economic model is consistent with democracy? Do you even understand what economic model made America the envy of the world? The vast majority of financial bloggers have no idea.

We have 40 million Americans on food stamps. We have no realistic economic opportunity for tens of millions of Americans. We have a President who just stated days ago that a college degree is necessary to have any chance at economic opportunity in our future. At the minimum, a massive misunderstanding of what made our economy great. In our economy we pay Harvard MBAs tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to play with money all day. Our Treasury Secretary and the federal government defends this dynamic as the crown jewels of the American economy. Or, at least corrupt politicians do. I guess our President is intimating his support for the same ideology with the statements cited above.

You had better pay close attention to what is happening in Greece if you live in the United States. The same pinheads trying to ram austerity measures down the throats of Greek citizens are going to be soon enough coming for our Social Security and Medicare. Our social programs for children. Our programs to support special needs Americans. Our educational system. And on and on. They already destroyed most American's pensions that have been pillaged over the last twenty years. And they already took tens of millions of our jobs. Mark my word. Those who believe in freedom and the rights of people to rule need to stand behind the democratic movements in Greece, Germany, Spain or wherever this European crisis lands. The people living in one of the cradles of democracy are trying to take back their self-determination from crooks who are attempting to transfer even more power from the people of Greece into the hands of a few. Soon enough, they are coming your way.

"The people of Greece are fighting for the whole of Europe" - Story link here.
posted by TimingLogic at 5:28 AM