Sunday, May 23, 2010

Money Can't Buy You Love But Apparently It Allowed British Petroleum To Buy The U.S. Government. Washington Dithers While The Gulf Crisis Grows.

Link here.

This Gulf spill is pulling the veil back on what appears to be the endless fraud and corruption in our government. The new stories surrounding corruption and misinformation in the energy business are staggering. There are at least a dozen major revelations that have surfaced as a result of this spill. (ProPublica is mercilessly hammering this story as any good watchdog news organization should and has an excellent site dedicated to this crisis, the exposed fraud and to ongoing news related to the spill.) Additionally, BP could very well be hiding the size of this disaster according to scientists who just today say that the spill could be flowing at a rate of as much as 100,000 barrels a day and not the 5,000 barrel BP estimate. That is 4.2 million gallons a day.

We definitely know the spill is spewing out more than 5,000 gallons a day. BP is supposedly siphoning 5,000 barrels a day from the well with this straw they have inserted. It is siphoning off so little of the flow that it looks like a straw in a tipped-over 7-11 Big Gulp. ie, It ain't doin shit.

At a worst case 100,000 barrels, that would mean in the past thirty days we have potentially released twelve Exxon Valdez disasters into the Gulf. Much of it is below the surface. And our buddies at BP were using chemicals banned in Britain to try to disperse the massive mess. Thousands upon thousands of businesses are likely to go bankrupt because of this crisis. The ripple effect could be very substantial. Especially if the Gulf gyre dumps oil on the Florida coasts.

Is our government permanently brain dead? Has big money interests so destroyed its ability to govern that it is incapable of doing anything right? This is the biggest ecological mess this country has probably ever seen and the White House is doing just about everything it can to ignore it. There are six billion people in this world who may have ideas on how to deal with this. Why doesn't the government put up a web site to collect ideas? Or give a hotline number to the world's scientific community to recommend solutions? Or convene an emergency meeting of experts from around the globe and pay them to come and develop a plan? I have an idea. Drop a tactical nuclear bomb down the pipe and strap our entire regulatory code onto it and blow this thing shut so we can start rebuilding a regulatory structure that isn't a result of thirty years of corporate bribery.

Apparently yesterday one of the political stooges at the White House said it was illegal for the government to do anything. That BP was responsible for the clean up per 1990s legislation. Hahahahaha. WTF? You have got to be kidding me? That remark is right from the best-selling book 'The One Hundred Most Asinine Political Statements in History'. I could ask the next one hundred people going through the Taco Bell drive thru window and get one hundred better answera than that.

So, are you telling me if a private nuclear power plant in the United States blew up, we as a society would defer action to the company who owned the facility? This is a national catastrophe that is going to cost hundreds of billions of dollars and destroy the financial livelihood of thousands upon thousands of innocent businesses that are likely to go bankrupt because of this. Instead of action the President just convened a bipartisan political commission to study the crisis. Are you kidding me? We need action not political hot air. There will be plenty of time to point fingers. Right now we need a plan completely removed from the political arena. For God's sake, at least hire a qualified engineering firm or the Army Corps of Engineers to manage it. Someone who is in the business of managing highly complex engineering projects. If this truly is upwards of 100,000 barrels a day or anywhere near it, how long is the White House going to plead stupidity when asked what the hell they are going to do?

Will someone wake up the White House? While you're at it, will you check to see if the President actually has a pulse or if someone is pulling a Weekend at Bernie's on us? If he does have a pulse, could you also inform him upwards of 80 million Americans are now living near or below the poverty line and most Americans are broke now that we all work at Wal-mart?

This can't be real. Maybe a better idea is for someone to check and see if I have a pulse. If I do, please wake me up from this nightmare of systemic political stupidity! I think most Americans, including me, want our leaders to succeed. For God's sake, I feel like I'm playing the part in a new movie. It's a cross between Dumb & Dumber and Groundhog Day. I keep reliving the same systemic stupidity of our political leadership day after day after day. Week after week after week. Month after month after month. Year after year after year. Decade after decade after decade. First Ronald Reagan, then George Bush I, then Bill Clinton, then George Bush part deux and now Barack Obama. My adult life has seen no great President. There must be something in the water in Washington or someone has spiked my water with LSD and I'm in a permanent state of hallucination.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:09 AM