Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Democratic Capitalism Is Suffering From Deception, Delusion And Major Abuse By Political Bozos Including Our President And His Cabinet Of Clowns.

On a related note, be sure to watch the President lecture BP for their sins tonight. And to reassure you he is in charge. In charge of what, I'm not sure. In actuality, if you read the Rolling Stone magazine article we highlighted last week or would rather watch an interview with its author titled The Inside Story of How Obama Let the World’s Most Dangerous Oil Company Get Away with Murder, you will realize that President Obama is actually responsible for this Gulf crisis. Completely responsible. Though the mainstream media true believers in our deliverer would never let our President take a fall for his clear gross negligence.

For all of the ideologues, there's plenty of room in there for even more incompetent Republicans such as little man Bush and Reagan. Reagan is arguably the father of the modern art of incompetency of Bozo politicians. Bush is arguably the worst President in our history. Pretty much running neck and neck with Bill Clinton for that honor.
posted by TimingLogic at 1:30 PM