Monday, June 21, 2010

Janet Tavakoli On The Gold Bubble

The link in the title is a PDF so it takes a few minutes to load. Be patient.

Tavakoli is probably the best informed person in the United States who is willing to speak out on the details behind the countless scams and schemes on Wall Street and our banking system. That is, if we can actually call it a banking system. Wall Street has zero purpose to a functioning democracy. Zero. Tavakoli is a well-informed insider who knows Wall Street's endless games of bilking society and how they get away with it.

It's been a while since I have been to her web site but there are two relatively recent articles that are relevant to this blog. One is the gold article in the title link. (Ironically, her remarks are very similar to ours. Soros finally came out some time ago and made similar remarks to our long-time position on gold as well.) The demand for gold is driven by a speculative mania that gold is going save us from our corrupt financial system when the major speculators in gold are our corrupt financial system? Umm??? The small investors who are loading up on physical gold are very likely to get their butts handed to them as this gold Ponzi scheme runs its course.

The second is her article titled Wall Street's Advice to Joran van der Sloot (The alleged serial killer.) In this article she dispells the myth perpetuated by what are generally fascist Washington politicians pretending to be Republicans - that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the cause of this crisis. And that a bunch of really stupid Americans who are too stupid to ever own a home and too stupid to pay their mortgage swindled massive monopoly corporations loaded with money, attorneys and unintelligible contracts. If one understands the timeline and the fraud of Wall Street lobbyists and the housing mess, one realizes Fannie and Freddie's messes were primarily the result of Wall Street's crooked schemes and ultimately dumping their trash on the public with their countless risk-shifting schemes. Freddie and Fannie are surely a mess but much of it is ex post facto. All of it is because of smarmy politicians from both parties.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:48 AM