Friday, July 30, 2010

New Financial Reform Turns SEC Into Orwellian Big Brother? Political Parties And Their Corporate Masters Have Officially Killed Democracy.

Link in title.

Link to a follow on story in the post.

Link to original story at Fox along with the particular piece of the reform bill in question.

A friend sent me this when it first hit the newswire at Faux News. I'm not a big fan of the mainstream media nor of Fox, which is a propagandist's delight. But this does appear to be a very newsworthy story. The evidence to the SEC's behavior seems unconfirmed on some level so I held off on posting it. We still don't have a public statement from the SEC but it seems reasonably apparent our government has now become one of secrecy across the board. Secrecy is a precursor to an end of democracy.

If this story is true, democracy is officially dead and it is up to the American people to resuscitate it by voting out the political idiots of both parties. Transparency is necessary for a functioning democracy as is common sense, has been taught by history lessons and is often remarked of by advocates of democracy including many of our Presidents. How can a nation be of self-rule if it has no idea what its government is doing? This SEC change is the work of crooked politicians and treasonist financial lobbyists.

It's time to bust up the political party monopolies. We wrote on here some time ago that Thomas Jefferson did not wish to allow political parties in our system of government. How prescient that was. How prescient many of the founding fathers ideas were. Because they lived through the tyranny of a far off centralized authority mandating their will upon a people. Just as we witness Washington consolidating its powers over states and citizens in the largest power grab in our history. An anti-democratic power grab.

Dummycrat and Republikaaner party members take an oath to obey their leadership just as Nazi party members took an oath to their fuhrer and not the country of Germany. To some degree the dynamic creates the same outcomes. ie, The oath to Republican and Democrat party fuhrers seemingly supersedes their oath to our Constitution and to our commonwealth, to We the People, to the common good. Political parties control who is elected to our government by controlling elections with massive sums of corporate money. The national election process is generally controlled by private entities - the political parties. Something very few Americans really understand. That's because the parties don't want you to understand. (And a discussion of this book and the rigged, corrupt, anti-democratic scam perpetuated by both parties at DemocracyNow! at this link.) That control coupled with an ability to outspend independents and decent people (using corporate donations) who want to serve the common good, creates a false sense of choice. Instead we end up having a choice of dumb or dumber. Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne.

Generally the only way to get elected as a Democrat or Republican in national elections is to be supported by the national political party. (similar to the Nazi party) Seldom does a candidate not endorsed by the national party ever get elected. And by seldom, I mean just about never. That support from the national party requires candidates agree to be a stooge for their fuhrers or party leaders and fall in line. Dissent is not tolerated. When their national leaders tell them to jump, they jump. How is that self-rule? How is that democracy? The process is controlled by corporate money and party stooges in a process that rivals rigged elections in corrupt third world countries and the former Soviet Union.

Political parties are anti-democratic by nature. They subvert public discourse of opposing views needed to hone the blade of excellence. A process necessary to a thriving democracy and a thriving economy. We instead have two false views of the world. Dummycrat and Republikaaner idiots. What type of person would agree to run for office where their free thought is subverted in exchange for party ideology? Generally, nonthinking idiots consumed with power. Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid. Are you kidding me? These people are outwardly incompetent beyond words. In fact the words out of their mouths are often beyond ignorant and border on surreal. I'd literally feel more comfortable throwing darts to decide our national policies than to turn it over to these idiots. And I am completely serious. Sarah Palin is more qualified to lead our country than these completely incompetent boobs. Because she speaks her mind, whether it is a thoughtful mind or not, she is a threat to the stooge factory we call Washington. And I am not a fan of Sarah Palin for the same reason. She seeks her own personal glory. Glory-seekers of any ilk are seldom true leadership material or true public servants. Yet I'd vote for her before any of these four stooges. In this time of crisis, we need to nominate people to office who seek no glory for they will more likely advocate for and protect the interests of We the People.

How many people would choose a life of public service to serve the common good but don't fit the profile of unthinking, conforming Orwellian bureaucrat required for endorsement in a national party election? How many people would like to make a difference in this world by serving a country they love but who are sickened by the thought of selling their souls to the anti-christ - the ideologically anti-democratic political parties? In choosing leadership today, we have no choice. Our choice is limited to the stooges picked by the fuhrers of each party. A false choice indeed.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:29 AM