Monday, July 26, 2010

Former Goldman Sachs And TARP Program Mental Midget Calls For Cuts To Grandma's Social Security So We Can Fund Bailouts For Crooked Corporations

For those who don't remember, Neel Kashkari is one of the boneheads brought in by the prior Treasury Secretary Paulson, a bonehead himself. A former Goldman Sachs' genius (We have learned the term Goldman Sachs' genius is interchangeable with the word bonehead) is now recommending in a WaPo op-ed that we as Americans need to cut the entitlement mentality. In other words, kibosh Social Security.

I agree with Neel completely! Let's cut the entitlement mentality of Wall Street treasonists, crooks, thugs and goons. Little old grandma living on $12,000 a year has had to pay her share of the trillions upon trillions of dollars used to bail out the entitled Wall Street crooks making tens and often hundreds of millions of dollars for absolutely unprecedented incompetence and for blowing up our economy. That includes the likes of Treasury Secretary Paulson and Neel Kashkari who really should give their earnings back to society since they actually cost society trillions of dollars, and therefore it is completely defendable they never earned their pay.

So, let's end the trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars spent over the last few decades on Wall Street's entitlement, the war machine's entitlement, socialist corporation entitlements and allow little old grandma to keep her $12,000 a year Social Security so she isn't sleeping under a bridge. By the way, unlike the corporate crooks, grandma paid in to Social Security as an insurance policy. Compare this to the extortionary terrorist tactics used by Wall Street to steal grandma's money. Maybe it's high time we prosecute Wall Street under the Patriot Act.

They are coming for your Social Security.
posted by TimingLogic at 4:46 PM