Friday, August 20, 2010

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary & Wall Street Journal Editor Paul Craig Roberts: Without A Revolution, Americans Are History. So It Shall Be.

Paul Craig Robert's commentary is generally available at CounterPunch, which is in our link list on the right of the blog. Most often the status quo tries to marginalize such remarks by pigeonholing such commentary as crackpots and radicals. Roberts is a former Treasury Secretary of the United States and the editor of the Wall Street Journal. His credentials include that of being the status quo. Reagan's administration dismantled many of the controls of our economy and started the destruction of the middle class. It's pretty hard for the status quo to marginalize Robert's remarks.

If you have followed us for any period of time, you know I believe we are already in the midst of a revolution. A revolution of enlightenment. Roberts believes we need a revolution. I believe we are in the midst of a revolution.

The fraudulent status quo will use any form of manipulation it can including engaging useful idiots in society for ad hominem attacks on our President's religious preferences, questioning his nationality, believing George Bush planned 9/11 and other endlessly idiotic diversions to deflect attention from the real crisis. That is, the real crisis is that Democratic and Republican elitists in Washington and on Wall Street have thieved our country and are robbing us blind. And they want to keep doing it.

Enlightenment and revolution are not an event. They are a process. People have wandered years on their path to wisdom and knowledge. We are well into the process that is similar to the period we now call the Age of Enlightenment. It was a complete repudiation of the morally-bankrupt status quo. The political idiots and elitists of today are still living in their bubble. This always is the case with the status quo. Always. That's why they never anticipated the mess we are in. They are deluded by their own false beliefs, their incredibly arrogant egos, endless hubris and timeless stupidity.

This transformation will substantially change global economics of the future. I believe we are extremely unique on here in that all of our long term economic theses we have written about for the past five-plus years are based on this very fact. In other words, it's part of our forecast and included in our countless posts an anticipated outcomes and volatility. No one else in the economics community has come anywhere close to what we are talking about. If you understand true economics, you know it is more about sociology, anthropology and psychology than it is about hard science. The human mind and psychology are enormous blind spots in the economics community and the megalomaniacal status quo. In other words, as I wrote on here years ago, were economics actually taught as a social phenomenon, few, if any of the current economists would be qualifed. That very fact is why most of them are completely clueless about the future. Never in the history of the profession has the preponderance of the economics community ever gotten any major turning point right. Ever.

I was having this discussion about revolution with a friend and he wondered why there was not more outright rebellion and social breakdown in the U.S. Do we need to murder and thieve and commit heinous and often outright evil acts as the status quo does in order to achieve change? Do we need to see fighting in the streets for revolution to occur? Must we stoop to the level of the status quo and use the power tactics of thugs and goons? Can we not achieve revolution through enlightenment, dignity, reason and moral clarity? Is not real revolution in fact a state of consciousness? The mind, and by extension the pen, is much mightier than any sword. Peaceful education and understanding is the greatest threat to the status quo. For truth and reason cannot be defeated with the tools of rhetoric, terror, fear and ignorance employed by morally-bankrupt elites.

Violence is the domain of brutish and unreasoned manipulations of the power elites and bureaucrats. It is the weapon they use to employ the useful idiots and ideologues in society who wantonly due their will through manipulation of the mainstream media. (Useful idiots and ideologues outsourced their own thinking capacity long ago and are perfect tools for manipulation.) This is the game of power which defines and enriches the state in lieu of democracy. Violence is not the method of a reasoned and enlightened mind or of democracy. Nor is it the method of an informed society. I believe as a society we must strive for civil disobedience based in reason. The key word being civil as in civility. If there is any violence, it will most likely be because the elites are successful in their fear and terror tactics to incite useful idiots. ie, The mob. It will be very hard for the status quo to achieve any modicum of violence on an outward and sustained level simply because society is now becoming aware of their illegitimacy. It's a pure numbers game. Instead, violence will be more insidious and passive.

Bureaucrats, aka the status quo, have one major weapon. It is control by deceit and rhetoric. The Big Lie as we have written about. Political mud slinging and ad hominem attacks are distractions meant to steer the discussions away from substance to rhetoric; an insubtantial tactic of bureaucrats and politicians who live in indefensible illegitimate glass houses. In other words, the bureaucrats and power elite realize they cannot win a reasoned debate with society for they are morally-bankrupt and without reason. Nor can they win a game of numbers because the evildoers are in the substantial minority. Given their small numbers, they must us manipulation and passive violence. Examples of this subversive and passive violence of the status quo we see today are:
  • -Planting lies of various sorts in the mainstream media to stir up the mob with unreasoned and irrelevant distractions about generally meaningless issues.
  • -Using misinformation to cause panics to people who are often economically desperate.
  • -Attempting to turn society against teachers, as an example, for making a living wage.
  • -Blaming public servants for having a decent retirement which allows some level of dignity that we should all enjoy.
  • -Spying on citizens and subverting the rule of law.
  • -Attempting to turn black on white or white on hispanic or any combination of race baiting.
  • -State-sponsored killing citizens without due process.
  • -Perpetuating the lie that the housing debacle was caused by poor (and often by intimation, minorities aka race baiting) who had no right owning a home because they were too poor or too stupid.
  • -Attempting to turn Muslim against Christian against Hindu against Jew.
  • -Manipulating the mainstream media to deliver the message that regulation destroys the free markets.
  • -Holding citizens against their will without due process.
  • -Perpetuating the deceit that all government is bad government when in actuality they have turned our government inside out and destroyed the rule of law to steal from society. All hijacked government is bad government.
The list is endless as are the times throughout history these tactics have been used. These tactics of bureaucrats and political idiots are the same whether they are communists in China, Nazis sixty years ago or the status quo right here and now in the United States. They all play to hate, fear, terror and other banal features of the human condition. This is the game of deflection which the status quo uses in an attempt to divide society and maintain or gain control over it. These are the manipulative tools available to maintain illegitimate control over substantially large populations of society.

The revolution is indeed in full force. It is being waged as I type this. The war is for your mind. The war is for control. The revolution now exists between the opposing forces of reason and virtue against indoctrination, power and hate. It truly is the endless fight of good versus evil. The endless fight against those who would be kings were they to gain the authority to be so.

Revolution of the reasoned mind was best put forth by one of the true great humanists ever to grace our planet, Mahatma Gandhi.

"Be the change you wish to see in this world" -- Mahatma Gandhi

We don't seek violence but instead we seek reason and a restoration of the rule of law and with it the return of democracy, equal rights and economic opportunity for all Americans. Every single one.

title link also here.
posted by TimingLogic at 5:58 AM